Most astra 19 related news are at:

Nouvelles offres Internet par satellite de Vivéole à 20 Méga 10 Jan 2013 | 04:00 am
Voir le communiqué de presse de Vivéole
Arrêt de la diffusion de la chaîne Renault TV 31 Dec 2012 | 04:00 am
More astra 19 related news:
Soon available on Astra 19.2 15 May 2012 | 07:20 am
Brand new smartcard featuring 2 SD Adult channels on Astra 19.2 east Satellite will be available soon. Featuring Redlight TV and Hustler TV, stay tuned for more information. ShareThis
Welcome to Redlight TV 15 May 2012 | 05:30 am
Welcome to the official site of Redlight TV, home for the Elite HD package on Hotbird 13 east and the new Astra 19.2 east smartcard. Featuring great Adult channels in HD and SD such as Redlight HD, Hu...
vPlug 2.3.8 seca2 14 Oct 2008 | 11:29 am
vPlug 2.3.8 seca2 Added "TV Vlaanderen - Astra 19.2°E" Seca2 support. 12012 V France 2 12012 V France 3 12168 V France 4 12207 V France 5 11817 V Mezzo 12012 V Trace TV Download seca for vPlug
Redlight TV & Hustler TV Coming Soon to Astra 19.2E 18 May 2012 | 01:17 am
Adult channels Redlight TV and Hustler TV will soon be available in SD on a new two channel viaccess card broadcasting via Astra satellite at 19.2E. Technical Details: Channels: Redlight TV & Hustler...
Beratungs- und Shopping-Sender HD ab 01. November 2012 auf Astra 31 Aug 2012 | 07:50 pm
Der deutsche Shopping- und Beratungssender “” wird ab 01. November 2012 in einer hochauflösenden Variante “ HD” über Astra 19,2° Ost an den Start gehen, das teilte der Sender auf seine...
For All Football matches : Friday 24.05.2013 24 May 2013 | 08:24 pm
Friday 24.05.2013 CET(GMT+2) Germany 2. Bundesliga -PlayOff 20:30 Osnabruck - Dynamo D. MDR -Astra 19.2°E -12110 H 27500 -FTA NDR -Astra 19.2°E -12110 H 27500...
For All Football matches : Friday 24.05.2013 24 May 2013 | 08:24 pm
Friday 24.05.2013 CET(GMT+2) Germany 2. Bundesliga -PlayOff 20:30 Osnabruck - Dynamo D. MDR -Astra 19.2°E -12110 H 27500 -FTA NDR -Astra 19.2°E -12110 H 27500...
For All Football matches : Saturday 08.06.2013 8 Jun 2013 | 02:17 pm
Saturday 08.06.2013 CET(GMT+2) FIFA World Cup -Qualifiers 03:30 Jamaica - U.S.A. sportdigital -Astra 19.2°E -10920 H 22000 -CW(AustriaSat) 17:00 Angola - Senegal RTS1(Sen) -Eutelsat 7°E... // Operátor Mobistar končí s poskytovaním služby Mobistar TV (19,2°E) 24 Jun 2013 | 01:16 pm
Belgický telekomunikačný operátor Mobistar ukončí poskytovanie služieb digitálnej televízie Mobistar TV, ktoré poskytuje svojim zákazníkom prostredníctvom družice ASTRA (19,2°E). Na satelite ASTRA 1L ...