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대상포진.. 젠장..완치가 안되는 병이랍니다ㅠㅠ 9 Mar 2013 | 03:38 pm
저도 걸렷었는데 이게 완치가 안되는 병이랍니다ㅠㅠ 바이러스가 몸에 상주ㅋㅋㅋ 피곤하거나 면역력이 떨어지면 올라오던데요ㅠㅠ 스트레스성인데 면역력약해지면 수두바이러스 올라오는거라고 그러더라고요 예방은 몸관리 밖에 없는듯 하네요ㅋㅋ
Faith Episode 5 synopsis - 24 Episode Korean Drama Faith/ 신의 (神醫) / Shin-eui/The Great Doctor starting from August 13, 2012 30 Aug 2012 | 06:04 pm
Details Title: 신의 (神醫) / Shin-eui / Faith Also known as: The Great Doctor Tagline: Fantasy and history will meet. Person and person will meet. Person and heaven will meet. Genre: Historical, romance,...
More astro star quest 2011 related news:
Your Highness 2011 DVDRip XviD-MAXSPEED 4 Aug 2011 | 07:16 pm
Director: David Gordon Green Writers: Danny McBride, Ben Best Stars: Danny McBride, Natalie Portman and James Franco Taglines: Get your quest on. Genres: Adventure | Comedy | Fantasy Country: USA...
2011 Beard Shaving and Beard Quest Update 5 Dec 2011 | 09:01 pm
What started as a small story to amuse #1GF! and my coworkers, has grown into The Quest for Every Beard Type. And it’s been going on for eight years now. Eight years. Well, the gents and I have star...
Atores assumidamente gays mais bonitos da TV e cinema 23 Jul 2013 | 05:23 am
Em 2011, Zachary Quinto, astro do seriado 'Heroes' e dos recentes filmes de 'Star Trek', assumiu sua homossexualidade à revista 'New York'. Foi em 2008 que o ator Luke Macfariane, famoso pela série '...