Most asus netbook 2011 related news are at:

Asus 1025C vs Asus 1025CE- two Flares to heat up 2012 10 Mar 2012 | 06:58 am
If netbooks are still alive and kicking in 2012, it’s clear that Asus’s EEE PC line will be right there, in the trenches. And there are some brand new entries to keep the flag up, the most exciting fo...
Asus 1025C vs Asus 1025CE- two Flares to heat up 2012 10 Mar 2012 | 01:58 am
If netbooks are still alive and kicking in 2012, it’s clear that Asus’s EEE PC line will be right there, in the trenches. And there are some brand new entries to keep the flag up, the most exciting fo...
More asus netbook 2011 related news:
More info about the Eee PC 1201N and the Eee PC 1008P 10 Dec 2009 | 02:50 pm
As a follow-up, the Eee PC 1201N is one of latest Asus netbooks to grace us with its presence. It weighs just 3.2 pounds and is boasting some interesting specifications. It features the Intel Atom Du...
New Cheap Asus Netbook Under $200 1 Jun 2011 | 06:26 am
Cheap Netbooks - Asus Launches New Cheap Netbook Under $200 If you are looking for a cheap netbook for under 200 dollars then things may have just got easier! Asus has just launched its latest ultra-t...
ASUS X101-EU27-WT 10.1-Inch EeePC Meego Netbook 1 Feb 2012 | 09:55 pm
Amazon hot new releases in ASUS X101-EU27-WT 10.1-Inch EeePC Meego Netbook 2012.Hi, today Black Friday Deals we meet with X101-EU27-WT version of the asus netbooks for X101-EU27-WT models come with Id...
ASUS 1011PX 1011PX-MU27-BK 10.1 Inch Netbook (Black) 1 Feb 2012 | 09:50 pm
Amazon hot new releases in ASUS 1011PX 1011PX-MU27-BK 10.1 Inch Netbook 2012.Hi, today Black Friday Deals we meet with 1011PX-MU27-BK version of the asus netbooks for 1011PX-MU27-BK models come with I...
Na´Vi castiga ASUS Spring 2011 2 Jun 2011 | 08:46 pm
Natus Vincere a castigat ASUS Spring 2011 dupa victoria impotriva echipei DTS cu scorul general de 2:0. Cu aceasta victorie, Natus Vincere castiga primul eveniment ASUS, astfel adaugand in palmaresul ...
iPad Netbook Satışlarını Etkilemeye Başladı 22 Aug 2010 | 04:07 pm
Netbook satışlarındaki azalmayı sadece Apple iPad’in üzerine yıkmak ne kadar doğru bilinmez ancak, netbook pazarının en önde gelen markası: Asus, netbook satışlarının düşmesinden yakınıyor ve bunun en...
Asus Netbooks 2 Oct 2009 | 12:36 am
Asus is easily one of the most groundbreaking manufacturers of netbooks today. The company has indeed revolutionized how people viewed and saw netbooks. Today, netbooks are now seen as a powerful and ...
Fonic Winter Stars: Palm Pre, Asus Netbook & Nokia-Handy 20 Nov 2009 | 03:51 am
[Trigami-Anzeige] Fonic sollte den meisten lesern bekannt sein. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit hat das Nürnberger Unternehmen durch ihre Discount Preise im Mobilfunk-Bereich ergattern können. Denn ohne ein...
Best Asus EEE PCs – top picks on Asus netbooks and mini laptops 2 Mar 2012 | 08:45 am
It’s difficult to think about the netbook market today and not take into consideration Asus and their EEE PC line. Basically, every time you search for a netbook on Google or Amazon, many of the resul...
Test-Video: Eee PC S101 3 Feb 2009 | 08:35 pm hat das “Designstück unter den Asus-Netbooks” getestet und dazu ein 2 Minuten und 19 Sekunden langes Video veröffentlicht. Im Fazit heißt es: Der Eee PC S101 sprengt den Preisrahmen für ein...