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Atlantica 28 May 2012 | 02:40 am
Релиз игры «Atlantica Online» прошел как-то особенно незаметно. Не было громких заявлений, не проводились пресс-конфернеции, а игровая общественность ничуть не удивилась выходу «еще одной корейской mm...
Atlantica Online Emoticons 10 Jun 2010 | 05:57 pm
Since the old Atlantica Online emoticons are gone, here is a reminder for the good old creepy emoticon days. Just click the image below to download. PS: This can also be used for MSN emoticonsПодаръц...
Atlantica Online - Fishing Tutorial / Anleitung zum Fischen 27 Apr 2010 | 06:05 pm
English: In Atlantica Online you have the choice to fish like a real fisher :=) Requirements to fish: 1. You must learn the "Fishing Expression/Action" by buying (at first) a "Action: Fishing [Beg]" ...
World of Atlantica Online - The best strategic, turn based mmorpg (Bestes rundenbasiertes, strategisches mmorpg) 22 Jan 2010 | 03:20 am
English: Since I play games I try to analyse the different aspects while I'm playing. As example: Aspect of programming, aspect of security, aspect of (network)performance and many other aspects... Ho...
Screenshots of Atlantica Online 24 Apr 2009 | 08:17 pm
Screenshots English In my world of atlantica screenshots you find more interessting pictures... German Mehr Screenshots finden Sie in meiner Welt der Atlantica Screenshots...
Bot Atlantica 21 May 2010 | 02:09 am
Bot ATLANTICA ONLINE v.1.7 download disini : PASSWORDNYA adalah BETA dengan huruf Besar semua silahkan di coba dahulu kalau seandainya bisa selamat anda bisa menjalankan program Botnya Dan jangan ...
Atlantica Online dari Gemscool 9 Oct 2010 | 03:40 am
Udah lama tidak muncul di dunia blogging, dikarenakan malas setelah akun Google adsense di blokir. Tapi di pikir-pikir sayang juga kalo nge-blog hanya untuk money oriented. Blogging itu juga bisa untu...
Jogos 9 Dec 2010 | 01:17 pm
Oferecemos serviços para os jogos abaixo: - 2Moons - 5Street – Showup - 9Dragons - Adventure Quest - Adventure Quest Worlds - Angels Online - Atlantica Online - Audition - BattleField Heroes ...
Atlantica Online: Patch Update Of August 18 19 Aug 2009 | 07:40 pm
Every 2 months, Ndoors updates their Atlantica Online International with a new patch. This August, 18, the traditional patch notes -much more styled and readable as before- inform us about the main ch...
AOP: The New Beginning 19 Jul 2009 | 05:30 am
The title sounds like an Atlantica's major patch, and defines quite well the future of [ac]AOP[/ac]. Indeed, I'm going to develop another website about Atlantica Online. Since its beginning, AOP is ...