Most auckland transport related news are at:

Waterview TBM under construction 27 Aug 2013 | 10:30 am
The team building the Waterview Connection have release a video showing the first stages of the TBM being assembled like a giant jigsaw puzzle and which gives an indication to the sheer size of it. I...
Where to host a possible future America’s Cup? 27 Aug 2013 | 07:23 am
As many people will know, yesterday Team New Zealand won the Louis Vuitton Cup meaning that in a few weeks they will get to challenge for the America’s Cup. If they win that they will bring the cup ba...
More auckland transport related news:
Auckland Transport LINK 21 Sep 2011 | 02:14 pm
... Source: Auckland Transport LINK
Progress On City Rail Link 6 Sep 2012 | 05:55 pm
This site has been a strong supporter of the City Rail Link. While the Government remains lukewarm to it, Auckland Council, Auckland Transport and other interested parties continue to make progress to...
Ride Bikes, Save Doh 19 May 2013 | 03:38 pm
I recently designed some printed material for an online survey Cycle Action Auckland was doing in conjunction with Auckland Transport. They are looking at why so few users of the Northern Busway arriv...
Esplanade Propaganda 10 Jul 2013 | 03:15 am
I have tried to avoid this and get on with more important daily tasks, but I just can’t get over the ridiculous, faux-happy, posed photo of Holmes Cronies at the tacky, Auckland-Transport-signature e...
Glow By Bike Winter Pit Stop – Manukau 16 Jul 2013 | 06:47 am
Auckland Transport in Partnership with Counties Manukau Health and Manukau Business Association Inc. presents Glow By Bike Winter pit stop – Manukau Wednesday 17th July 6am-8am. 19 Lambie Drive .....
Familiar face joins Auckland Transport 27 Aug 2013 | 07:33 am
A well-known industry face is set to join the transport leadership of the country's biggest council. Former BMW NZ managing director Mark Gilbert has been appointed to the board of Auckland Transport...
AT Fare Survey 23 Aug 2013 | 01:32 am
While the roll-out of HOP seems to be taking forever with hiccups at every stage, it seems that Auckland Transport at least getting on with the next stage of looking at how they might do the next and ...
Tumeke at AK Transport ‘glow by bike’ event Friday 17th 4-7pm 15 May 2013 | 04:49 am
Hey all Tumeke Cycle Space are pleased to be involved with another Auckland Transport event – this time a Glow by Bike night this Friday from 4-7pm down at the red gates next to the Ferry Terminal, Qu...
How to Find the Right Used Car 21 May 2011 | 08:19 am
Used cars can help to solve your transportation concerns. Pre-owned cars are usually in great condition, offer a number of accommodating options, and are available in a number of different price range...
3 Days Bay of Islands Explorer (Auckland to Auckland) 29 Jul 2008 | 01:29 am
Teaser: Explore the 144 islands that make up the famous Bay of Islands on the northern tip of New Zealand. Enjoy a wildlife cruise, swimming, snorkelling and a unique island stay on this scenic and ....