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Audit the Fed Scheduled for a Vote! 19 Jul 2012 | 11:29 am
Congressman Ron Paul’s H.R. 459, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, is scheduled for a vote this Tuesday, July 24! The bill will be brought up under suspension of the rules, meaning there will be ...
Ron and Rand Paul Introduce “Audit the Fed” Legislation in House and Senate 27 Jan 2011 | 02:27 pm
“Congressman Ron Paul and his son, Senator Rand Paul, today introduced companion legislation in both chambers of the United States Congress to require a full and thorough audit of the Federal Reserve....
More audit the federal reserve related news:
Panic at the Fed: Audit Will Show What They’re Hiding 2 Aug 2009 | 12:14 pm
In this speech to Congress, Ron Paul refutes Ben Bernanke’s interpretation of HR 1207, the bill to audit the Federal Reserve. Related posts: Audit the Federal Reserve: HR 1207 and S 6055 This is not...
“Americans Still Strongly Favor Audit of the Fed” 15 Dec 2010 | 05:56 am
A new Rasmussen telephone survey finds that 74% of Americans are in favor of auditing the Federal Reserve with just 10% opposed to the measure and 16% unsure. Read the report here.
4 out of 5 Americans Favor Auditing the Federal Reserve 28 May 2010 | 09:06 am
According to Rasmussen Reports: Eighty percent (80%) of Americans now agree with Congress that auditing the Federal Reserve Board is a good idea, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telepho...
Todd Akin on Current Issues 28 Jul 2011 | 12:03 am
>> Akin votes for full repeal of Obamacare. >> Akin fights for F/A-18's - saving jobs & tax dollars. >> Akin is a cosponsor of and voted YES on a bill to audit the Federal Reserve. >> Akin position...
Money Smart Week® @Your Library (April 2-9, 2011) and ID Theft Resources 5 Apr 2011 | 06:57 am
Posted by Robert J. Lackie American Library Association logo The American Library Association (ALA), the Federal Reserve, and I hope that many librarians and their libraries are participating in the...
Wie aus Finanzmaklern Buchmacher wurden: die heimliche Umwandlung von Märkten in Casinos 20 Jul 2010 | 11:57 pm
Seit Dezember 2008 hält die »Federal Reserve« den Zinssatz bei beinahe null Prozent, und zwar nicht nur in der Absicht, den Häuser- und Kreditmarkt anzukurbeln, sondern auch, um dem Staat eine höhere ...
Electronic Payments Overtaking Checks 13 Dec 2010 | 10:54 pm
A new study by the Federal Reserve has revealed that Americans are using electronic payment methods like credit cards far more often than checks. In the three-year period from 2006 - 2009, noncash pa...
The Fed’s Role in Crisis and Recovery 18 Aug 2010 | 03:57 pm
Despite its apolitical mandate, the Federal Reserve remains one of the most politically sensitive institutions in the world, as evidenced by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s opinion column on November 29th...
Slowing Economy Faces Major Obstacles 4 Apr 2012 | 12:53 pm
By Michael McCune Slowing Economy Faces Major Obstacles Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke remarked on the U.S. unemployment rate early Monday to the National Association for Business Economics. ...
Global Concerns Affecting Gold Price 21 Dec 2011 | 04:00 am
Last week gold managed to climb above the $1,750 per ounce mark on the back of the co-ordinated move by central banks to boost liquidity. When the US Federal Reserve allowed central banks to swap thei...