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『Auto-Tune EFX 2』発売のお知らせ 18 Nov 2011 | 02:52 pm
『Auto-Tune EFX 2』 はナチュラルなピッチ補正に加えて、今日のポップミュージックに特徴的なケロケロボイスと呼ばれる過度のピッチ矯正サウンドを簡単に作ることができるプラグインです。 詳細は製品ページをご覧ください。 Auto-Tune EFX 2 製品ページ プレスリリース
Auto-Tune the News 11 Apr 2012 | 11:27 am
The raft drew beyond the middle of the river; the boys pointed her head right, and then lay on their oars. The river was not high, so there was not more than a two or three mile current. Hardly a wor...
Home 13 Jun 2007 | 09:06 am
Wir sind ein ultimatives, junges und dynamisches "Tuning-Team" mit langjähriger Erfahrung im Glascoating/Tüv Sonderabnahmen-Bereich. Wir bieten exklusives Auto-Tuning aller Marken und Modelle - uns kö...
Kanye’s New Album to drop in June 15 Apr 2010 | 04:26 pm
According to, Kanye West is getting ready to drop his 5th studio album in June of 2010. He said there will not be any auto tune this time around and to expect some greats like DJ Premo to...
Auto Tune: Popular Music's Ruin 31 Aug 2011 | 10:47 am
I was in a car with my cousin in New Delhi, India last summer and some local radio station happened to be on. The Indian classical song that was playing made little sense to me (I must admit) but then...
Auto-Tune the News 2 Apr 2012 | 09:11 pm
The raft drew beyond the middle of the river; the boys pointed her head right, and then lay on their oars. The river was not high, so there was not more than a two or three mile current. Hardly a word...
Auto Repair Guides 1 Aug 2011 | 08:18 pm
Auto repair guides explain the maintenance, repair and cleaning of automotive supplies.These guides are designed for home users and professionals. These are now available in electronic version, and th...
Chuck Testa Autotune 7 Nov 2011 | 08:40 am
Chuck Testa Autotune Chuck Testa, a remarkable taxidermist and inspiring camouflageur, explains his age-old skinning secrets in song. Tags: auto tune  autotune  Chuck Testa  Entertainmen...
iPhone App with Auto-Tune Lets You Record Christmas Greetings that Sing 9 Dec 2010 | 03:54 am
Tis the holiday season, and now you can record your very own Christmas greetings. StarMaker Interactive today announced the latest addition to their suite of recordable, shareable singing apps, Auto-...
Volkswagen tuning 1 Oct 2011 | 03:04 am
Entretenido juego de autos tuning, aquí tienes cuatro tipos de Volkswagen para tunear a tu manera. Juegas con el mouse.