Most automated bugle mac related news are at:

Into the Jaws of the Lion – Pendulum April 2012 1 May 2012 | 03:53 am
Lenny’s Lens Crafters – Da Vinci and the 40 Answers 31 Mar 2012 | 03:02 am
More automated bugle mac related news:
Explore Dumaguete has prepared not only a list/address of the Dumaguete City ATM Locations or Dumaguete ATM Sites, but has provided you a better tool. Below is a map of almost all Automated Teller Mac...
How To Use Automator In Mac Os X To Mass Rename Files 10 Feb 2013 | 04:13 am
While preparing a new post for chriswrites I had to rename around 50 files before uploading them to my ftp server, so instead of doing it manually or using a paid software ( I can recommend File Renam...
Redimensionner des images avec Automator sur Mac 4 Jun 2013 | 10:00 am
Automator est un logiciel intégré à OS X qui permet d'automatiser des tâches, comme ici redimensionner des images. Puis accessoirement j'aime bien l'icône de l'app
How To Use Automator In Mac Os X To Mass Rename Files 10 Feb 2013 | 04:13 am
While preparing a new post for chriswrites I had to rename around 50 files before uploading them to my ftp server, so instead of doing it manually or using a paid software ( I can recommend File Renam...
Mac OSX: Resize Image on Right Click 24 Apr 2012 | 01:06 pm
I resize a lot of images to the same size for use in my blog and on my web site. This automator script allows you to quickly resize and image from the right click menu.
Hazel rule for deleting OmniFocus backups (without deleting them all) 5 May 2012 | 12:58 am
David Sparks (@macsparky) and Katie Floyd (@katiefloyd) over at Mac Power Users covered a lot of great Hazel tips for those looking to automate the more mundane (yet important) aspects of electronic f...
Mac sperren ohne Zusatzprogramme 30 Jul 2011 | 11:01 am
Ich hatte vor einiger Zeit einen Artikel geschrieben in dem ich beschrieben hatte wie man dem Mac mit einem Automator Script sperren kann, es geht aber noch viel einfacher und mit Onboardmitteln von O...
Tipp: Automator-Sprachumstellung für Mac-Photoshopper 16 Jul 2011 | 07:42 am
Viele englischsprachige Aktionen laufen mit deutschen Photoshop-Versionen nicht, weil sie an einfachen Benennungen von Ebenen scheitern, beispielsweise Hintergrundebene bzw. Background layer. Nun kann...
Create Your Own Instagram printer with Ifttt, Dropbox and Automator. 13 Mar 2012 | 04:56 am
Here’s how to easily create your own automatic Instagram printer, similar to Instaprint on Kickstarter, using Automator on a Mac, and Dropbox. Follow these steps. Open Automator and choose...
MySQL Administrator: Backup Error: Cannot set ANSI quotes 8 Dec 2008 | 07:36 am
Posting this here because I just ran into the problem and couldn’t find a solution on the interwebs. If you’re using Mysql Administrator on a Mac and you try to schedule an automated backup only to f...