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5 Awesome Book Purses 6 Feb 2013 | 06:10 am
Reading is a treasured pass time and one of the greatest things you can do. There is nothing quite as satisfying as sinking into a story and losing yourself to the plot, characters and excitement. Wh...
Jan 31, Salt effect 1 Feb 2011 | 05:07 am
Inspired by a book I read, I found that while the colour is still wet to sprinkle a small amount of table salt which gives a very intreasting effects,
The Hollows Series by Kim Harrison 28 May 2012 | 04:33 am
I loved this series by Kim Harrison and I fully plan to finish it someday. I have read more books than I have reviewed here. The last few book I read were right in a row and I couldn't remember where ...
Awesome Costume Story 26 Feb 2010 | 06:25 am
READ ME! It's not often in sports commentary that you hear anyone say, "He r...
Discounted Group Studies Galore 17 Jul 2011 | 03:00 am
Soon after I became a Christ-follower, I realized I could count on NavPress to deliver biblically sound guidance in my new-found faith. In fact, one of the very first books I read on small groups was ...
Downloadable Book Material 20 Nov 2011 | 05:16 pm
Scan2Buy can also be used by book publishers to increase revenue by selling an MP3 audio file of the book being read.
11's 3 Jan 2012 | 11:16 am
Most of the books I read have not come out the year I read them. And most are not Canadian. Here are two that are or were or did. Matt Rader's A Doctor Pedalled Her Bicycle Over the River Arno. It's...
The Best Books Club and How it Works 10 Jan 2012 | 02:04 pm
Tweet Welcome to the Best Books Club. Here are the rules: 1. Read my article about the book. 2. Read the book. 3. Send in a comment if you feel like it. Yep, it’s that simple. Every month I’ll...
The Scientific Method – Methodically Explained 27 May 2012 | 09:25 pm
The scientific method is a way to ask and find the answer to scientific questions by making observations and doing experiments. Depending on which science book you read, there are either four, five or...
Save Time With SASS 7 Feb 2012 | 04:20 pm
It's Syntactically Awesome! I've read over and over again that if you are not using SASS or LESS, you should be. There is certainly no argument there! What could possibly be better than Dynamic ...