Most az open carry related news are at:

Holder/President Obama want to BAN so-called assault weapons, again 28 Feb 2012 | 07:17 am
Say Uncle reports via The Daily Caller that United States Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress during the 'Fast and Furious' hearings that 'they' (the current Administration) are still working o...
You Never Know... 28 Feb 2012 | 04:03 am
Rev. Paul posted about how he keeps his .38 +P in his pocket, so he can get to his briefcase 1911, so he can get to his rifle in his truck... Reminded me of a friend's incident in the past... Bob, ...
More az open carry related news:
Another Open Carry Stop 21 Oct 2011 | 08:12 am
Do you people see a trend here?… Police/LEOs/Cops the country wide have a similar culture of “hey! I did a lot of push-ups, memorized traffic laws, filled out a lot of paperwork and graduated academy!...
California’s Bill to ban Open Carry Passes. 11 Oct 2011 | 09:10 am
So “SHUT UP SLAVE!” and call the cops if you need help defending your life. To be clear this goes into effect Jan 1st 2012 and only applies to ‘Handguns’ Updates and rants to come soon. SACRAMENTO ...
Episode #022 Open Carry Radio 8 Sep 2011 | 04:20 am
Just a quick 30 min check in with just bad_ace hosting. Movie product placement and subliminal and obvious. And there’s always the really obvious. Suspect Named in Monday Night Shooting (Cupertino, ...
Reason.TV Covers California Open Carry 12 Aug 2011 | 11:18 am
From local San Diego News this week: In-N-Out Shooting Victim Helping Troops Prepare For Iraq A burger joint! Hello!? Portantino? Are you paying attention?
“Open Carry Vs Gun Control” YouTube Video 15 Feb 2011 | 07:32 pm
Posting this video from Avisualrecord just because of the violent tendencies of the first person interviewed. Any person that wants to “rid the world of guns”, has to accept, short of having a magic G...
Open Carry Closing Minds? 21 Oct 2008 | 02:26 pm
Topics: The open carry battle, “I don’t carry a gun…” Jim Higginbotham on Why do we practice reloads? Guns I like: the Ruger 10/22
Joomla! Felhasználási Feltételek 20 Aug 2004 | 08:11 am
Ezt a weboldalt Joomla! portálmotorral készítették. A szoftver és az alapértelmezett sablonok melyen fut, az Open Source Matters szerzoi tulajdonában van. Minden más tartalom és adat, beleértve a tele...
Julianne Moore, mint Margaret White 19 Apr 2012 | 04:28 am
Egy elképesztően fiatal színésznővel a a Ha/ver és a Ne engedj el! sztárjával már bővült az új Carrie c. film szereplőgárdája, amikor is egy olyan lányt fog alakítani Chloë Moretz, akit úgy hívnak, ho...
Open Science Resources 4 Nov 2010 | 08:23 pm
Verseny! Az Open Science Resources(OSR) ezúttal egy nemzetközi versennyel rukkolt elő: készíts digitális foglalkozástervet és töltsd fel az OSR Portálra! A téma szabadon megválasztható, egyetlen krit...
Hirek!!! 5 Aug 2009 | 07:44 pm
Sziasztok, a multnap epp a hivatalos 2moons oldalon a forumot bongesztem, keresve a valaszt arra, hogy lesznek-e a karakterek torolve az Open Beta utan? 2 moderatortol is azt olvastam, hogy NEM lessz...