Most aztec code barcode related news are at:

Re: #HN Bash 14 Jun 2013 | 01:34 am
Re: #HN Bash 7 Jun 2013 | 08:54 pm
Ask Me Anything Ok What's AMA stand for?
More aztec code barcode related news:
JENIS BARCODE INDUSTRI 8 Feb 2012 | 09:58 pm
Ada banyak macam barcode 1 dimensi, ada barcode 128, 93, 39, EAN 13, EAN 8, UPC A, UPC E , Codebar dan sebagainya. Code barcode tidak hanya berisi angka saja, huruf maupun tanda baca juga bisa dibuat ...
AspPDF Released 17 Mar 2012 | 07:04 am
The new AspPDF service release incorporates an avalanche of bug fixes and performance improvements in various modules, including PDF-to-Image, HTML-to-PDF, QR Code barcode, parsing, document stitching...
AspPDF.NET Released 17 Mar 2012 | 07:04 am
The new AspPDF.NET service release incorporates a large number of bug fixes and performance improvements in various modules, including HTML-to-PDF, HTML rendering, QR Code barcode, parsing, document s...
Update: TBarCode SDK Barcode Generator Software 21 Feb 2012 | 03:00 am
Version 10.2.5 of the barcode generator software TBarCode SDK is now available for download. The new service pack provides a bug fix concerning the encoding of Aztec Codes. Please find more details in...
NEW! Eye-Catching 2D Codes - Barcode Studio V12.2 18 Jan 2012 | 03:00 am
We are proud to announce the new release of the barcode maker software Barcode Studio! Version 12.2 provides a brand-new and unique feature: The user can select the drawing method for the bars (or sq...
Built-in QR/Barcode Scanning? 8 Jan 2013 | 12:04 am
I wish Apple (and Android) would build QR code/barcode scanning into all phones, either in the camera app or as a dedicated scanning app. QR codes are so helpful for connecting the physical and digita...
Τι είναι τα QR Codes 15 Feb 2013 | 09:23 pm
Tα QR (Quick Response Codes) έχουν μπει για τα καλά στη καθημερινότητα μας και όσο περνάει ο καιρός θα τα συναντούμε όλο και πιο συχνά. Μέσα σ’ ένα barcode, μπορείς να εισάγεις κάθε είδους πληροφορίε...
New Product Update: QR-Code for ActiveX Control 1 Jun 2012 | 06:30 pm
In June 2012, IDAutomation released an update to their 2D ActiveX Control to include the QR-Code barcode. The latest package can be downloaded with a new purchase or an active priority support and upg...
Buat QR Code Online Cepat & Instant 7 Aug 2013 | 01:11 pm
Sobat mau mencoba menbuat QR Code? barcode berbentuk petak berisikan code-code rahasia yang akan muncul jika discanning bisa melalui alat scaning barcode atau aplikasi pada smartphone. Nah, gak perlu ...
Add export to PDF from SlimPublisher or from any Windows application 14 Aug 2013 | 09:14 am
SlimPublisher will instantly create business cards, letterheads, flyers, postcards, labels, artistic QR codes, barcodes and other artworks that make everlasting impression. Your design can be saved in...