Most azure 25 dec 2010 party related news are at:
– aimeeclaire
i have a new blog! 8 Oct 2012 | 09:49 am
that's right! aimee claire photography has moved to a brand spankin new site :) i'm so so happy, as this has been a long time in the making! please visit me here, and make sure to update your feeds ...
sarah-jane + tom 25 Sep 2012 | 06:17 pm
sj and tom are pretty awesome. i took some portraits of them on what turned out to be a rather stormy day. they braved rain droplets and gusty winds that whipped sj's hair in a beautiful way. i reall...
More azure 25 dec 2010 party related news:
5 % Price Increase for Azure Condos 18 Jan 2010 | 10:11 pm
As of today, the price of an Azure condo unit will be 5% higher. And most probably, like I mentioned before, Azure units would already be 25% higher than its Dec.2009-launch date prices by April 2010....