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halka 1 Oct 2008 | 10:59 pm
büyümeyen bir halkayi bir fare gibi ceviriyorsun. konusmadikca ayni yerdesin. konustukca halkanin üstünde baska bir yerde.* 1997 *sylvia plath** **diye düsünmekteyim.
Campingplatz Bor in Kroatien 20 Mar 2012 | 10:01 pm
Der Campingplatz Bor existiert schon seit 1985 und liegt auf der traumhaften Insel Krk in der gleichnamigen Stadt Krk. Das glasklare Meer ist nur ca. 10 Gehminuten entfernt und der Campingplatz ist um...
ALLAH İÇİN SEVMEK 29 Apr 2012 | 12:33 pm
,,,,, Bir gün Peygamber Efendimizin huzuruna gelen bir kimse, oradan kalkip gitmekte olan bir baska müslümanin arkasindan : “Ya Rasulullah, ben bu giden adami seviyorum” demisti…. Peygamberimiz (s.a....
Rooms For Rent In Town Of Njivice 21 Mar 2012 | 09:49 pm
Rooms For Rent In Town Of Njivice Cheap rooms for rent Apartment house Zdenko is situated in a small fishing town of Njivice on island of Krk. They offer you 4 rooms for rent and 8 comfortable furni...
Cheap Apartments In Town Of Omisalj 21 Mar 2012 | 12:00 am
Cheap Apartments In Town Of Omisalj Cheap apartments in Omisalj The apartments house Bozic is situated in a small town of Omisalj on Krk island. The house stands only 300 m from the city centre with...
Apartment for up to 7 persons 11 Mar 2012 | 07:32 pm
Apartment for up to 7 persons Apartments Kurjakovic – City of Punat Apartment house Kurjakovic is located in city of Punat on Krk island. Situated just 150 meters from the beach they offer you 5 apa...
Stephen King – Carrie (Göz) 21 Mar 2012 | 10:19 pm
Mustafa Cetinel Bir baska korku kitabiyla herkese merhaba, Bu yazimizda yine cep telefonum üzerinden okumus oldugum, Stephen King’e ait cok eski bir kitaptan bahsedecegim. Filmi de cekilmis ol...
Domácí asetrtivita 12 Jun 2011 | 10:44 pm
Muž měl už po krk stálého komandování od manželky, tak zašel k psychiatrovi, co s tím. Psychiatr mu poradil, jak si budovat sebevědomí a dal mu knihu o asertivitě. číst dál
KRK drags Kat, Sona in Poonam’s ‘stripping’ act 8 Sep 2011 | 01:06 am
<img alt="" height="400" src="...
Katrina Kaif to Star in Deshdrohi 2? 2 Apr 2012 | 11:13 am
Looks like the pranks on Twitter are getting only too obvious. Now, when a self-proclaimed billionaire like KRK says he has signed on Katrina Kaif for his next film, we can only stare at the post in d...