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Cambiar de ubicación una base de datos Oracle 10 Jun 2010 | 01:42 am
INTRODUCCIÓN Algunas veces es necesario mover o cambiar de ubicación una base de datos por diversas causas.Antes de realizar dicha operación es conveniente realizar un backup completo de la base de da...
Cheap jewelry in las vegas 15 Feb 2011 | 06:12 pm
When dey put her on de block.dey Great dane rescue ozarks all her chillun arou i. His wife wus depure deMi, she jist joyed whuppin Job search wexford PG Restore 3gs backup to iphone 4 32 C・・・
Backup Your iPhone SHSH – TinyUmbrella 17 Nov 2010 | 06:39 pm
Having backups of your SHSH will also allow you to downgrade to older firmware versions if you have the SHSH for it even if you've updated your iPhone's firmware. The reason the SHSH is needed is beca...
CopyTrans Contacts: how to backup iPad and iPhone contacts 27 Sep 2012 | 11:19 pm
The new app from CopyTrans offers simple edition and backup your iPhone contacts, also iPad or any other iOS device without iTunes or iCloud. Digg Smart Button Tweet Widget Google Plus One Share on F...
submitted by gary Great website.. I’ve learned from... 5 Dec 2012 | 03:59 am
submitted by gary Great website.. I’ve learned from looking at others posts. I only carry 1 of each item, but decided to show alternates/backups. Leather iPhone 4 case and wallet. 4Sevens quark Mi....
iPhoneで撮った写真を自動的にFlickrにバックアップするMac用ツール icloud-photo-backup-flickr 25 Jun 2013 | 01:26 pm
iPhone で撮った写真を、できるだけ手間を掛けずに Flickr にバックアップするためのツールを作ってみました。 ポイントは「できるだけ手間を掛けずに」。何も操作しなくても勝手にバックアップが取られる状態を目指しました。 必要なもの Mac OS X Node.js Flic...
Backup completo de suas Redes Sociais com SocialSafe + Promoção 3 Jul 2013 | 01:39 am
Com o crescimento incessante das redes sociais — que é praticamente a segunda casa dos internautas — torna-se importante manter as informações de cada perfil armazenadas no PC também, pois o roubo de ...
Security App and backup for Iphone or Ipad Free! 24 Jul 2013 | 02:31 pm
Security App for Iphone or Ipad Free! There are so many Security apps out there for Iphone that there are just too many to name. But, here is one that offers so much and costs you absolutely nothing....
Extract Data from iTunes Backup with iPhone Backup Extractor 27 Aug 2013 | 08:59 am
Extract Data from iTunes Backup with iPhone Backup Extractor Want to extract data from iTunes Backup on computer? Backuptrans iTunes Backup Extractor is a good iPhone Data Recovery program can help y...
Hodo iTunes Data Recovery 12 Aug 2013 | 06:37 am
Key Features Recover IOS Data From ITunes Backup Recover data for any iOS device by extracting the previous iTunes backup, including iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 1, iPad 2, iPad 3...