Most bad English related news are at:

Model Window 27 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm
Please enjoy glorious greetings! Photo courtesy of Paddy Browning. Found in Nanchong, China.
Now THAT’S a man toilet 26 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm
Photo courtesy of Leonard Zimmerman. Found at coffee shop in Suwon, Korea.
More bad English related news:
Presentation 15 May 2012 | 03:08 pm
Hi guys. I'm a beginner tag maker, my real name is Massimiliano and I'm from Udine a little town in Italy. I apologize for my bad english, I hope over time to improve both this and my skills in grap...
The Best And Simple Way To Become A Rich Man.! 4 May 2012 | 11:21 pm
Offcource, its all about internet jobs i am saying. first of all sorry for my bad english. Did you ever think how people making $$$ online by moving their mouse and sitting infront of computer for ver...
Virtual Master Secrets! This took half a year to make the news! 6 May 2011 | 04:04 am
This took half a year to make the news! Virtual Master Secrets! Hello all More Secrets Sory for my bad english, I am very lazy and bad learning. I wanted to earn $ 100,000, but did not think for a per... 17 Jan 2011 | 12:02 pm
figuratively speaking, every year the holidays make me at least a little sick, but this year it was also in the literal sense. whilst mostly lying around on the couch, watching mostly bad english tv s...
So long... 19 May 2011 | 03:38 pm
おひさしぶりね! So long time I don't write, here, right? Well... I back with my bad english! So... this time I wasn't very excited to write... さ。。。今で、著わすを楽しみにじゃない。。。 After I left this job, my life have a...
Bee (Kumbang) – 2 11 Sep 2010 | 01:55 pm
Kumbang (2) I do not know what this bee’s called in english? (In fact I have bad english too… hehehe…) This Kumbang found at Nyi Iteung home yard (Kuningan, Jawa Barat). Taken using Canon iXus 100 IS...
Bee (Kumbang) – 1 11 Sep 2010 | 01:31 pm
Kumbang (1) I do not know what this bee’s called in english? (In fact I have bad english too… hehehe…) This Kumbang found at Nyi Iteung home yard (Kuningan, Jawa Barat). Taken using Canon iXus 100 IS...
Helo! / Zdravo ! 26 May 2009 | 08:47 am
Hello, first sory for my bad english! My name is Mujo Mujic and im form little but beautiful town Brcko, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Im 24 years old, meried and i have little son. Im working vith Adobe P...
Casuality in Kiev 2007 24 Oct 2007 | 07:06 am
Этот раз не явился исключением - все переговоры пришлось вести с переводчицами. Мой английский как был в заднице год назад, так там и остался... Sorry for my bad English, товарищи партнеры, my transla...
Minas Tirith City of Kings modified by polosakso (v1) [Battle for Middle Earth 2: ROTWK Maps] 25 Jan 2010 | 12:07 am
Minas Tirith : City of Kings modified by polosakso -----------Sorry for my bad english , i'm french^^----------- It's my first modding, so don't be too vilain, i just tried something , i know i have...