Most bai ling related news are at:

Deena From Jersey Shore Keeps It Natural And Fresh As Always 27 Aug 2013 | 03:45 pm
While the has-beens and lessers were at something called the MTV VMAsomethings in Brooklyn, the real stars were at InTouch Weekly’s Icons & Idols (read: the opposite of that) party held in the back r...
Blind Items: I Guess, You Guess 27 Aug 2013 | 12:20 pm
We have two interesting stories about one very moody celebrity who was in attendance at the Video Music Awards last night. First, Moody showed little emotion whenever the cameras were on her… but she...
More bai ling related news:
Bai Ling 4 Feb 2011 | 04:02 am
Chinese name: 白靈 (Traditional) Chinese name: 白灵 (Simplified) Pinyin: Bái Líng (Mandarin) Birth Date: October 10, 1966 Birth Place: Chengdu, China Height: 5′ 3″ Sex: Female Nationality: Chinese ...
New Celebrity Rehab 7 Jul 2012 | 08:07 pm
New Celebrity Rehab amber-smith-celebrity-rehab bai-ling jeremy-jackson-and-donna-derrico michael-lohan
Bai Ling Ungkap Pengalaman Kekerasan Seksual ! 13 Jan 2013 | 04:34 pm
Ia dipaksa melakukan hubungan seksual sampai hamil dan melakukan aborsi.Bai Ling mengungkap kisah suramnya di masa lalu. Aktris Hollywood kelahiran China 44 tahun silam itu menceritakan pengalamannya ...
Bai Ling See Through at Kick-Ass 2 Event 30 Jul 2013 | 01:13 am
Bai Ling wore a see through tutu thingy to a Kick-Ass 2 event and even though we don't really see her nipples we get a pretty sweet view of her tits. VIEW IMAGES
Crossover 25 Jun 2013 | 03:04 pm
Kat(DmC, Based on - Megan Fox), Elizabeth(Bioshock Infinite, Based on - Anna Moleva) and Faith(Mirror's Edge 2, Based on - Bai Ling) Time: 5 h Tools: Photoshop cs6, Wacom intuos 5 M DmC and Kat © Ca...
Bai Ling in tanga e top in un negozio di LA 16 Jul 2013 | 01:43 pm
Bellissima Bai Ling posa in uno store di Los Angeles vestita soltanto con il bustino e un tanga nero, l’attrice più volte paragonata alla ricca ereditiera Paris Hilton a causa della sua vita di eccess...
Bai Ling Upskirt Pic 1 Jun 2013 | 10:11 am
Asian babe with her funky hair style Bai Ling receives some flash into her face while flashing her black net panties outdoors… Click this image for big picture or see more of Bai Ling Upskirts View O...
Well Hung Mariana Cordoba 24 May 2011 | 09:34 pm
This transsexual is not like most of shemales. Her cock has incredible big size! It is fat, ling and nice hanging between her long legs. Her name is Mariana Cordoba and she is a typical Brazilian Ts. ...
Hardcore Asian Tia Ling 12 Oct 2008 | 04:45 am
Hardcore Asian Tia Ling, looks pretty damn hot weather she is fully dressed, naked in the shower or in this case the locker room, or riding a hard cock. And let me tell you this babe loves the cock. I...
La récolte du goji 2 Jul 2008 | 01:27 pm
Les baies du goji sont récoltées depuis des milliers d’années en Chine. Le goji est principalement cultivé et récolté dans les productions agricoles des régions du Ningxia et du Xinjiang. Depuis que ...