Most baidu chinese mp3 related news are at:

On Delayed Language Acquisition 27 Aug 2013 | 06:24 am
JP recently finished studying Chinese at the Monterey Institute, and he said something that caught my attention: Ok, how’s my Chinese now? It’s better than when I started. I’ve certainly seen a lot o...
Text Message Fraud (a sample) 20 Aug 2013 | 06:22 am
Photo by .sl. on Flickr There’s a fair amount of text message (SMS) fraud going on in China, and if you have cell phone number here, you’re likely to receive this type of text at some point. As a for...
More baidu chinese mp3 related news:
App preview service launches by Baidu 26 Aug 2013 | 10:10 am
Chinese search engine Baidu has said it will allow people to preview mobile apps without needing to download them. Baidu's free Light App platform will run other apps, giving users a chance to access...
Baidu Online Video Company to Get $50 Million Investment from Providence Equity Partners 3 Mar 2010 | 03:18 am
Baidu, Inc. (NASDAQ:BIDU) , the leading Chinese language Internet search provider, recently announced that Baidu and Providence Equity Partners (“Providence”) have signed an agreement pursuant to whic...
Baidu SEO: How to rank on China’s largest search engine? 3 May 2012 | 02:31 am
China is a huge market with a population of over 1.3 billion people. Out of this mammoth 1.3 billion approximately 160 million chinese consumers have purchased a product or service and this number is ...
快速下載Youtube的網頁方式: 不需安裝軟體 (MP4, MP3, 3GP格式) 1 Oct 2011 | 02:04 pm
要下載Youtube的話,建議你可以使用Wantyoutbe and MORE這個國際下載站的網頁。Wantyoutbe在歐美日算是一個非常流行的國際站,蠻多人使用的。Wantyoutbe它有中文版(Chinese)、日文版(Japanese)也有英文版(English)的,操作上也相當容易。不需下載什麼多餘的轉檔軟體。以下載Youtube與Tudou(土豆網)來說,網址上加上一個want就可以下...
chinese music 5 Jun 2010 | 10:00 pm
Listen & Download_Chinese songs & Chinese music|free mp3 listen,free mp3 download Here you could get free Chinese music listen online and free Chinese music download,traditional,popular,modern chines...
Bing Is Ready To Produce Baidu English Searches 5 Jul 2011 | 03:33 pm
China’s dominant search engine Baidu is trying to expand its reach beyond Chinese-language speakers. Reuters is reporting that Baidu and Microsoft have done a deal that will offer Bing powered English...
Facebook Strikes Deal to Create New Social Network in China 12 Apr 2011 | 07:50 am
Facebook is reportedly working with China's largest search engine to create a new, jointly owned social network. The collaboration with Baidu would allow Facebook to get a foothold in the Chinese mark...
Bill Gates Makes It To Baidu Logo 8 Jul 2008 | 01:29 pm
Bill Gates, Microsoft Chairman and co-founder, who officially retired has made it into the Baidu Logo. Click the logo and you will get to his profile (in Chinese) He is the second American who makes ...
于浩宸单曲《非诚勿扰》杀入百度MP3排行榜前50名 15 Jan 2011 | 06:45 am
于 浩宸最新单曲《非诚勿扰》在2010年底杀入百度MP3 Top500以上,目前已经顺利进入排行榜第50名,百度MP3排行榜是目前中国最大的歌曲搜索指数排行榜,能进入此榜的歌曲都具有相当的实力。包括周杰 伦、王力宏、歌坛最锐李玉刚等的歌曲也仅比于浩宸的《非诚勿扰》高几名而矣。在2011年的开端,便有如此好的开局,对于浩宸今年的音乐事业来说是一件值 得祝贺的事情。
百度旗下正版音乐平台:Ting 社交音乐媒体公测 送邀请码 6 May 2011 | 04:06 am
传说中的百度正版音乐平台终于拉开公测的帷幕,一贯的做法就是使用邀请码制度,而且这个邀请码却非常的容易拿到手,前提是你拥有一个新浪微博帐号(木有?马上去注册)。 百度本身已经有百度音乐(,现在推出一个正面性质的音乐分享、下载平台。下午尝试了一下感觉还是可以的,虽然现存的歌曲不多,但这只是时间问题,想当初奇艺(的电影和连续剧都非常的匮乏,现在多到你要用一...