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More bamboo media php and mysql related news:
Gripsell announced the launch of pinterest clone 29 Apr 2012 | 03:44 am
28 Apr 2012, Gripsell announced the launch of Pinterest Clone, a PHP and MySQL based script having features like Create boards, pins, social media integration like facebook and twitter, liking, repinn...
Gripsell announced the launch of pinterest clone 29 Apr 2012 | 03:44 am
28 Apr 2012, Gripsell announced the launch of Pinterest Clone, a PHP and MySQL based script having features like Create boards, pins, social media integration like facebook and twitter, liking, repinn...
Media Server Upgraded – Sites Showing Error Until They Too Upgraded 26 Oct 2012 | 06:20 pm
All the media sites are currently showing an error. This is because the server they are are hosted on needs to be upgraded: both php and mysql, and is currently running checks. It was using php 5.2.x ...
Gripsell announced the launch of pinterest clone 29 Apr 2012 | 12:44 am
28 Apr 2012, Gripsell announced the launch of Pinterest Clone, a PHP and MySQL based script having features like Create boards, pins, social media integration like facebook and twitter, liking, repinn...
WP Media Converter – A Premium WordPress Plugin 6 Nov 2011 | 03:00 pm
Minimum Requierments: Over 95% of Servers Have These. 1. PHP: 5.1.0 2. FFMPEG: Free 3. WordPress: Free 4. Ion Cube Loader: Free 5. MySQL 5+ Free 6. cURL 6+ Free Benefit Feature #1: Runs on 100%...
individuelle Webentwicklung 28 May 2012 | 10:00 am
Die Jena-Media - Internetagentur ist Ihr professioneller Partner für individuelle Webentwicklungen rund um die Internetbasistechnologien (PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, (X)HTML(5), CSS).