Most bandeja paisa recipe related news are at:

S’mores Empanadas 26 Aug 2013 | 06:22 pm
Is there another culinary marvel as delicious, internationally recognized, and beloved as the Empanada? I don’t think so! We Latinos truly love our empanadas, in their many and wonderful variations. I...
PlanetBox Shuttle 23 Aug 2013 | 06:18 pm
A couple of years ago I posted a review for the “PlanetBox Rover” lunch box. After two years of school lunches, I am very happy to report that my son’s lunch box still looks brand new and we absolutel...
More bandeja paisa recipe related news:
Bandeja Paisa: A Feast For All Occasions 11 Sep 2012 | 03:14 pm
The Bandeja Paisa is quite possibly one of the largest meals you’ve ever had on one plate. Correction: platter. You see the literal translation of “Bandeja Paisa” is: Paisa Platter (Paisa is the nickn...
Laboratorio de Cocina Colombiana 11 Mar 2013 | 07:03 pm
Hoy (11/03/13) en primera página de Debes Hacer en el Periodíco El Tiempo, árticulo “En busca de la nueva bandeja paisa, Los alumnos de la Academia Verde Oliva presentan su trabajo de laboratoria sobr...
Bandeja Paisa: A Feast For All Occasions 11 Sep 2012 | 03:14 pm
The Bandeja Paisa is quite possibly one of the largest meals you’ve ever had on one plate. Correction: platter. You see the literal translation of “Bandeja Paisa” is: Paisa Platter (Paisa is the nickn...