Most barcelona world race related news are at:

America’s Cup: Veranstaltungsablauf für World Series Racing in San Franzisco veröffentlicht 20 Jul 2012 | 12:14 am
Die Veranstalter der America’s Cup haben den Ablauf der verschiedenen Wettrennen 2012/13 veröffentlicht. Danach findet das erste Match-Race der AC World Series 2012/13 ab Mittwoch, 21. August, in der...
Neues Fernglass von Minox gewinnt red dot design award 16 Jul 2012 | 11:52 pm
Das deutsche Unternehmen MINOX gewinnt im Bereich “product design” mit dem innovativen Wassersportfernglass MINOX BN 7×50 DCM den hochangesehenen “Red Dot”. Das Fernglass setzte sich gegen 4.515 Produ...
More barcelona world race related news:
Barcelona World Race 2010: Sailing Around the World 31 Dec 2010 | 05:32 am
Tomorrow ends the year and begins the second edition of the Barcelona World Race, the first and only sailing regatta around the world in two (two crews per boat). Twenty-seven men and three women wil...
Start Barcelona World Race 23 Jan 2011 | 12:02 am
Über Sylvester in Barcelona ist schon ganz was nettes, aber das ganze Drumherum um den Start des Barcelona World Races live mitzuerleben ist echt ein Hit. Anbei ein paar Fotos von der verregneten Ab...
Marcel Van Triest: "We still know very little about the ice in the Southern Ocean" 2 Feb 2013 | 05:39 pm
The Barcelona World Race meteorologist knows the secrets of the seas of the Southern Hemisphere better than most, having sailed through them in five circumnavigations of the globe. As onshore router h...
Últimamente cocino mejor que pienso y escribo, debería cambiar mi blog por uno de cocina 15 Feb 2011 | 04:55 am
Estoy enganchada el juego de la Barcelona World Race. Me gustaría poder darle las gracias a quien se haya picado la interfaz 3D, paso las horas muertas en la oficina mirando el barquito. Le falta el s...
We could all use some Awakening 7 Sep 2010 | 12:00 pm
I just returned yesterday from 10 days in Ireland for our annual on-field conference for the World Race called the Awakening and man did it ever live up to its name! The Awakening is designed to place...
Summer Craze 20 Jul 2010 | 12:00 pm
At the World Race summer time is not exactly the time to relax and go on vacation. Its actually time to get excited to work hard and launch a couple hundred young adults who are going to change the wo...
We're in Los Angeles 8 Aug 2009 | 12:00 pm
Well, I'm here in my last month of ministry on the World Race and of course you would expect me to say "How time flies" but I have to tell the truth it hasn't the last 5 days have seemed like weeks. I...
29 Today 6 Jun 2009 | 12:00 pm
29 Today Today I turned 29 years old yep I sure did. So I thought I would count my World Race blessings along with some other random things that I love about the Race. 1. Illy coffee 2. Squatties, ...
Current and Future Racers 30 Sep 2011 | 12:00 pm
Every week our field support sends an email telling stories of what God is doing in participants on the World Race. When I read the updates today I was excited to see two of the guys that I mobilized!...
World Race Travel Day! 16 May 2012 | 12:00 pm
We left Ostrava, Czech Republic around 3 pm for Budapest Hungary. Matt, Rebecca, and I got to the train station around 2:30 to wait for our 5-hour train that was going to transport us. After a rel...