Most barcode related news are at:

Smart Application: QR Code Captures Running Events 18 Dec 2012 | 02:00 pm
Sports keep us fit! In order to the slogan our customer focuses on running. Recently has extended its membership area with QR codes linking to running events. Event managers are now a...
New Barcode Labeling and Reporting SDK for Mac OS 12 Nov 2012 | 06:00 pm
TEC-IT is proud to announce that the TFORMer Labeling and Reporting SDK is now available for Mac OS X. TEC-IT is proud to announce that the Barcode Labeling and Reporting SDK TFORMer SDK V7.0.4 is no...
More barcode related news:
Barcode 7 Apr 2010 | 11:35 pm
Barcodes Erstellung hochpräziser Barcodes Das Erstellen von Barcodes bzw. Strichcodes (engl. bar für Balken) für Etiketten oder Anwendungen ist bei uns tausendfach praxiserprobt. Wie werden die Bar...
Barcode Scanner Plugin for OI Shopping List 27 Jun 2010 | 12:08 am
Many users have been asking for this feature - finally we have it: Barcode OI Plugin lets you scan items directly into your OI Shopping List. Scan your item again to check it off your list! Currently,...
QR Codes and YOU! 1 Mar 2011 | 08:19 am
We’ve arrived at a time when your own barcode is available with a minimal amount of effort and at no cost to you! All you need is a smart phone, and an application on it to recognize the code and do ...
Do you often check your own barcode, to see if you are past your sell by date…? 27 Feb 2012 | 05:22 am
Do you often check your own barcode, to see if you are past your sell by date…? I’m still fresh as a Daisy….lol Best answer: I am 3 days past due and reduced for quick sale
Show barcode 128 on website as font? 23 Feb 2012 | 11:28 am
Show barcode 128 on website as font? Hi, I am working on this website where I need to show the barcode as barcode 128 on the website. Do I just set the font to barcode 128′s font?If so, what is the b...
what is RFID it deals with barcode for future.? 15 Feb 2012 | 02:04 am
what is RFID it deals with barcode for future.? RFID stands for what ?[it is going to be used instead of barcode] Best answer: Radio Frequency ID There are some devices that carry a radio frequenc...
how can you copy and paste barcode on facebook? 20 Jan 2012 | 08:10 am
how can you copy and paste barcode on facebook? Best answer: Is that what people do on facebook? Try to copy the image of whatever it is? or take a picture – upload it?
how can you copy and paste barcode on facebook? 18 Jan 2012 | 07:37 am
how can you copy and paste barcode on facebook? Best answer: copy – Hold CTRL and C to copy paste- Hold CTRL and V to paste :)
Is a Barcode necessarily to sale an item? 16 Jan 2012 | 07:29 am
Is a Barcode necessarily to sale an item? I have finish my Christian music Album, I needed to know if it’s necesarily to have a barcode on it? Where can I get it, and how much will it cost me? I app...
does my ozzfest 2007 ticket have to have a barcode? 10 Jan 2012 | 07:20 am
does my ozzfest 2007 ticket have to have a barcode? they have ticket #s but the pic of the barcode won’t print Best answer: Yes, it has to be scanned at the door, so there aren’t duplicates.