Most bark out loud magazine related news are at:

Giveaway: Win a $150 Gift Certificate to Petswag and more! 26 Aug 2013 | 08:00 pm
The following post is brought to you by Petswag. We’re very paw-ticular about our partners and only feature those we think are top dog. Hey, remember when we posted about these awesome typographic do...
A Dog’s Life: Collecting Vintage Dog Photography 23 Aug 2013 | 11:00 pm
Editor’s Note: I’ve asked a few of my favorite bloggers to fill in while we make our way to Portland, OR! Please give them a warm, tail-wagging welcome! Hello Dog Milk readers! This is Victoria from ...
More bark out loud magazine related news:
Mare’s Favorite Finds for Kids from #ExpoWest 2013 16 Mar 2013 | 01:35 pm
I love going to ExpoWest, even though my dogs bark pretty loudly by the end of it…seriously, I think my bottom half wanted to secede from my top half midway through Day #2. This year, as with every ye...
To all of our Live ‘N Loud Magazine readers and fans, It is with a lot of sadness that we have to say goodbye. It has been a long, fun and awesome journey covering music news and live concerts for all...
Meet The Dogs Of Newton – Week 11 Manny 31 Jul 2013 | 08:28 pm
Hi, my name is Manny and I’m a 2-year-old Beagle. I may be small but my bark is loud (and often heard throughout the Newton office). Likes: FOOD! I use my super strong sense of smell to detect any fo...
Video of a three legged robber - so what do you steal? 17 Jan 2013 | 06:55 am
We barked out loud at this news item (which was shown last night on our New Zealand television news) about a dog in Invercargill, NZ, who got filmed stealing dog food from the local shop! The video s...
Spotlight! 1 Apr 2012 | 05:31 am
The editors at the award-winning dog culture magazine “The Bark” have featured us in the coveted Spotlight section of their current issue. How cool is that?! “The Bark” can be found at fine bookselle...
Out loud 14 Jan 2010 | 08:04 am
I’ve been writing all my life – be it poetry, songs, news articles, ad copy, brochures, press releases, newletters, corporate magazine features or web content. You name it. Writing has always been a p...
Even Superstars Like Rihanna Get Anxious 10 Apr 2012 | 01:45 am
Rihanna live in Belfast, on her tour The LOUD Tour. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Talking with More! magazine, Rihanna has admitted that she finds all the attention she receives overwhelming at times, of...
Even Superstars Like Rihanna Get Anxious 9 Apr 2012 | 09:45 pm
Rihanna live in Belfast, on her tour The LOUD Tour. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Talking with More! magazine, Rihanna has admitted that she finds all the attention she receives overwhelming at times, of...
METRO Mag Pets Guide 7 Sep 2012 | 12:29 pm
METRO Magazine put together a gorgeous pets guide in their August issue and we were very happy to be featured. From the magazine: “Recently featured in the dog culture magazine The Bark, Bone Advent...
Stop Dog Barking 3 Sep 2012 | 06:35 am
Article published in Dogs Life Magazine May/June 2012 Pipe Down! Most of us like having a dog that barks when strangers approach our homes, but what happens when your dog barks non-stop and for no re...