Most base64 encode related news are at:
‘A Feast For Crows’ by George R. R. Martin 6 Aug 2013 | 01:08 am
‘A Bit Dull, Really’ Score: 3/5 A Feast for Crows George R. R. Martin £4.99 This one seemed a bit plodding, to be honest. There’s an awful lot of ‘sword’ and not very much ‘sorcery’, which makes i...
‘A Storm Of Swords 2: Blood And Gold’ by George R. R. Martin 28 Jul 2013 | 10:11 pm
‘Everybody Lies, Everybody Dies’ Score: 3/5 A Storm of Swords 2: Blood and Gold George R. R. Martin £3.85 OK, not everybody dies but some times it certainly felt like it. I’m not sure why I’m sti...
More base64 encode related news:
How to add Base64 encoding and decoding in C 17 Jul 2011 | 09:36 pm
I found this page on the web while searching for something else but I thought this might be useful to others Overview libb64 is a library of ANSI C routines for fast encoding/decoding data into and ...
HTML5 Canvas Image Randomizer 15 May 2011 | 06:23 am
I wanted to decrease the sizes of my pages on my blog with out changing my design. I had been using css sprites and gziped css + with base64 encoded images but due to my design my page size was 1500k ...
JS : base64 encode 24 Mar 2012 | 09:26 pm
JS : base64 encode
Base 64 encoding and decoding tool 8 May 2012 | 07:36 pm
We see how you like our sha-256 hash claculator and online password generator tools, so we added the new one – Base64 encoding and decoding tool. It‘s very simple, very easy to use and fully compatib...
Url safe base64 encoding in PHP 2 Mar 2013 | 03:10 am
Whenever passing base64 encoded strings in url should always urlencode or do the following which replaces characters that should not be in a query string value with safe characters so query string wil...
Why the CrimeBoss Exploit Kit has sent greetings to this blog 13 Feb 2013 | 11:29 pm
Some security researchers have found a base64 encoded message addressed to this blog. It is embedded in malicious scripts related with java exploits, and, last week, it was found in CrimeBoss exploit ...
Embed Images in HTML with Base64 Encoding 6 Oct 2012 | 04:38 pm
HTML မွာ ပံုေတြထည့္ရင္ ပံုမွန္အားျဖင့္ img tag ထဲမွာ src ဆိုၿပီး ပံုရဲ႕ တည္ေနရာကို ညႊန္းၾကပါတယ္။ ဥပမာအားျဖင့္ <img src="images/logo.png"/> အဲဒီနည္းလမ္းအစား နည္းနည္းေလးပိုၿပီးထူးတဲ့ နည္းလမ္းတစ္ခုနဲ႔ ...
Minit Plugin and Web Fonts 20 May 2013 | 01:50 pm
I have fixed the Minit plugin to work with CSS files that place font-face declarations inline as base64 encoded strings.
PHP Base64 Decode if Encoded Otherwise Leave Intact 25 Jul 2013 | 08:05 pm
I had a scenario where an API I was working with would sometimes base64 encode data (instead of using CDATA which is the more usual approach). However to really make things interesting, they didn’t al...
Base64 Encoding With JDK 1.6+ And Java 8 24 Aug 2013 | 08:14 am
The method: javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter#printBase64Binary(byte[]) encodes a byte[] into a Base64 encoded string. To encode a String with JDK 1.6+ use the static method printBase64Binary: Java 8...