Most base href tag related news are at:

Online Copywriting Course Review 26 Aug 2013 | 02:31 am
Is your website getting lots of traffic but not generating sales? Do you want to convert more visitors into paying customers? Do you want to improve your web copy but can’t afford a copywriter? One of...
Best Practices For Building Social Media Into Your WordPress Website 19 Aug 2013 | 09:30 pm
Social media is one of the best community building tools available in marketing today. Especially important is how you are incorporating social media organically into your brand website to make it mor...
More base href tag related news:
Discuz X2下tag伪静态详细设置方法 18 Nov 2011 | 09:38 pm
1、【tag页伪静态】 template/default/tag/tag.htm 将 <a href="misc.php?mod=tag&id=$tag[tagid]" 改成 <a href="tag-$tag[tagid].html" 2、【标签主页tag伪静态】 template/default/tag/tagitem.htm 将 <a href="misc.php?mod=tag">{...
Add nofollow rel tags to image widget 4 Oct 2011 | 06:03 pm
So, to modify the href tag for the image widget plugin output. just open up /views/widget.php and add rel=”nofollow” inside the echo string on the 6th line. Here is a copy of my code <?php echo $befor...
Crash Course: HTML 25 Nov 2006 | 09:00 am
Lets jump right into it here. HTML is based on tags. Each tag performs a specific function, and most tags have attributes that modify them. In HTML, tags are delimited (separated) by < and > signs. He...
Macro-based HTML Tag Support for Microsoft Word 28 Oct 2008 | 12:06 pm
Many people reading this are lone bloggers or - as I like to call them - "armies of one." You manage the server, design the site, code the template, write posts, network with other bloggers, and marke...
SWC build API to tag online resources automatically – and suggest related content 6 Nov 2012 | 07:57 pm
Semantic Web Company has developed a thesaurus based automatic tagging API for it's customer REEEP. Language Undefined
SWC builds API to tag online resources automatically – and suggest related content 6 Nov 2012 | 07:57 pm
Semantic Web Company has developed a thesaurus based automatic tagging API for its customer REEEP. Language Undefined
DEDECM 5.7列表页调用TAG标题 28 Jul 2013 | 01:19 pm
DEDECM 5.7列表页调用TAG标题: 使用这个标签:[field:id function=GetTags(@me)/] 另外在include\helpers\archive.helper.php中搜索 $tags .= ($tags=='' ? $row['tag'] : ','.$row['tag']); 替换成: $tags .= "<a href='/tags.php?/"....
W&V berichtet über BASE: “Berlin – Tag & Nacht” zieht ins BASE_camp ein 26 Aug 2013 | 12:24 pm
Das Wochenmagazin für die Kommunikations- und Medienbranche berichtete am 23. August auf ihrer Onlineseite ( über die langfristige Product-Placement-Kampagne in der RTL II-Sendung “Berlin –...
W&V berichtet über BASE: “Berlin – Tag & Nacht” zieht ins BASE_camp ein 26 Aug 2013 | 12:24 pm
Das Wochenmagazin für die Kommunikations- und Medienbranche berichtete am 23. August auf ihrer Onlineseite ( über die langfristige Product-Placement-Kampagne in der RTL II-Sendung “Berlin –...
Drupal 6 services taxonomy xmlrpc php and python 20 Nov 2009 | 01:54 pm
Drupal 6 uses different methods for saving taxonomy for different taxonomy types. For multiple select based taxonomy: (php) (python) For tags based taxonomy: (php)