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Debian安装PPTP和L2TP一键安装包 29 Dec 2011 | 11:44 pm
第一步:确认拥有Root权限 第二步:下载、运行脚本 测试用户名与密码为:test / 8ke,记录于 /etc/ppp/chap-secrets 。enjoy it. 如果重启后用不了 编辑/etc/rc.local文件 把第一行改成 #!/bin/bash 然后去掉exit 0那行就行了 这个是Debian启动脚本的问题
Importando con bash tablas de varios ficheros .sql 4 Apr 2012 | 10:59 pm
Script improvisado en bash, para ejecutarlo basta con guardar el siguiente código en un fichero .sh, editar los parametros y ejecutarlo por terminal con el comando “bash” #!/bin/sh VAR_USER=...
Video: Muffed it - Big Bore Bash Shelby Club 26 May 2012 | 06:12 pm
The Ripper gets some off road testing during the L.A. Shelby Club's run at the 2012 VARA Big Bore Bash. Lesson is wait for hot tires and don't hammer it in turn, and if you do break loose stay in it a...
Shebang max. length 26 May 2008 | 03:11 am
This may save someone's time. If you get an error like this when running ./bin/buildout: bash: bin/buildout: /home/mustapha/workspace/collective.buildbot/test/parts/buildslave/ bad inter...
PHP操作Mongodb的函数说明及实例 v1.0 19 Jul 2012 | 10:11 pm
1. public Boolean Mongo::close(void)//关闭连接 实例以及问题 $conn = new Mongo(); $conn->close();//后面的操作都执行成功了,这个并没有起作用。 $db = $conn->study2; $collection = $db->test; $doc = array(“id”=>”10″,”name”=>”sha...
Earol Olive Oil Spray Review 20 May 2013 | 05:01 pm
I won’t bash on about surfers ear, if you don’t know what it is read this article I have been testing a few products which prevent surfer’s ear. The p...
Test Bash 2.0 22 Apr 2013 | 05:00 am
Last month 3 Pauls and an Iain made the long journey south from Technophobia Towers to Brighton for Test Bash 2.0. Test Bash is an annual grassroots conference for software testers around the country...
fmt.script 0.2 (CLI software refactoring) 10 Apr 2013 | 08:16 pm
fmt.script 0.2 (CLI software refactoring) This is a perl program to reformat poorly indented scripts. Tested it against bash, sh and perl scripts. Handy tool. Tried to "improve" it a bit for my own n...
Balloon Bash 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Balloon Bash is a sweet and simple time based shooter game. Player is supposed to shoot as many balloons as possible with in given time of 60 seconds. Balloons are generated at random time to test the...
Balloon Bash 20 Jul 2013 | 09:06 pm
Balloon Bash is a sweet and simple time based shooter game. Player is supposed to shoot as many balloons as possible with in given time of 60 seconds. Balloons are generated at random time to test the...