Most bash script related news are at:

Fedora 19 Released 3 Jul 2013 | 09:12 am
Fedora project has officially announced the release of Fedora 19 code named Schrödinger's cat. Fedora 19 features the 3.9.0 kernel. For end users, the new features include the Cinnamon desktop environ...
Making UEFI Secure Boot Work With Open Platforms 5 May 2013 | 07:41 pm
"UEFI Secure boot” is a technology that offers the prospect of a hardware-verified, malware-free operating system bootstrap process that can improve the security of many system deployments. Linux and ...
More bash script related news:
Bash script to mirror WordPress MU installation into a sandbox 6 Feb 2011 | 04:41 am
Dino over at Dino’s Anabasis has created a bash script to copy (or mirror) a multisite to sandbox area of your server. This seems like a very handy script, but I’m not sure if I buy his central premis...
How to prevent database contention in continuous integration 10 May 2009 | 02:49 pm
We’ve used a few different continuous integration stacks for Rails over the last year at work—first CruiseControl.rb, which we found a little too complex to administer, then a custom bash script (whic...
How to easy CVS update your SRC and Ports tree with a simple Bash script (v2) 27 Sep 2011 | 08:29 am
This is an update to this post: How to easy CVS update your SRC and Ports tree with a simple Bash script I adjusted the script to use the local csup version of the FreeBSD World system and moved the ...
How to download photo’s or video’s with a simple Bash script 18 Jul 2011 | 01:38 am
Here is the simple script which downloads all photos from Just save the file as in a directory and run it. It will save all photos found. Here is the simple script which downloa...
Bash – For Loop Over Items with Spaces in Them 23 Aug 2009 | 02:14 pm
I was copying some files the other day and I ran into a problem that I often run into when dealing at the command prompt or writing a bash script. I decided I’d finally go figure a better way to loop ...
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide (Dedication) 7 Jul 2011 | 04:16 pm
An in-depth exploration of the art of shell scripting Mendel Cooper 6.3. 30 Apr 2011 Revision History Revision 6.1 30 Sep 2009 Revised by: mc 'BUFFALOBERRY' release: Minor Update. Revision 6.2 ...
Install Mono 2.11 from Source on Ubuntu with a Bash Script 5 Apr 2012 | 09:35 am
NOTE: is now current w/ This bash script is more useful when installing parallel Mono, when a new version is released and not yet published on badgerports, or if you simply w...
Install Mono 2.10.8 from Source on Ubuntu with a Bash Script 5 Aug 2011 | 03:26 pm
NOTE: is now current w/ This bash script is more useful when installing parallel Mono, when a new version is released and not yet published on badgerports, or if you simply w...
Install Mono 2.10.2 and MonoDevelop 2.6 Beta 3 on Ubuntu With a Bash Script 27 May 2011 | 05:17 am
After @migueldeicaza announced MonoDevelop Beta 3 a few days ago, I updated my scripts to install the new version. I’ve also included an upgrade script for those of you who used my Beta 2 script. The ...
Install MonoDevelop 2.4.2 or 2.6 Beta on Ubuntu & Fedora 16 Mar 2011 | 09:00 am
Alright! You asked for it, so here it is! Here’s a bash script that will download, compile and install MonoDevelop. I can’t say it’s a perfect solution, but it does work and it’s relatively clean. T...