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Fundies of Color 29 Mar 2012 | 02:41 am
What both white and non-white fundies read to their children Wikipedia defines “fundie” as: Fundie or fundy (plural fundies) is a pejorative slang term used to refer to religious fundamentalists of ...
How to Customize Toyota Corolla 28 Jan 2012 | 11:21 pm
Who says a used TOYOTA Corolla Sedan for sale cannot be customized? In the United States, they have a slang term for car customization, they call it car pimping. Pimping or customizing a used TOYOTA C...
Word of the Day – SIMOLEON 26 May 2012 | 07:00 pm
SIMOLEON \suh.MOW.lee.un\. n. an old US slang term for one dollar Nobody seems to be certain of the history of this word, with most dictionaries preceding vague guesses with ‘perhaps’ or ‘thought to b...
Do follow blog list 21 Jul 2011 | 02:10 am
Hi i am Yogesh Gaur and My topic is “Do follow blog list” What is DoFollow? The term that doesn’t really exist Understanding DoFollow DoFollow is simply an internet slang term given to web page...
Edumacation Schmedumacation – Edumacating Myself For Advancement 13 Sep 2011 | 01:19 pm
No, that title is not a typo. I fully intended on misspelling the word education for the urban slang term edumacation, which is just a silly way of saying I’ve been swamped with educating myself for a...
What is eCommerce? 30 Sep 2006 | 05:56 am
There are popular slang terms such as ebusiness. They are all basically the same thing. It all comes back to the same principle: selling online.So how do you know if selling online will be beneficial ...
Bloody Nora 7 Mar 2010 | 07:54 am
Buy Your Dictionary Design Another great British Slang Term that means “Bloody Hell”. Not used much nowadays but still one of the greats.
Shrek in a Frock 11 Dec 2009 | 05:50 am
Buy Your Dictionary Design Shrek in a Frock – Got this lovely British Slang term from one of our famous exports, Mr. Gordon Ramsay. Simply translated it means someone who is acting out ...
Chuffed to Bits 26 Nov 2009 | 03:32 am
Buy Your Dictionary Design Chuffed to Bits – This is another great British Slang Term. It means very pleased with or very happy about something and is very similar to another British Sa...
Throw a Wobbly 14 Nov 2009 | 12:40 am
Buy Your Dictionary Design Throw a Wobbly – Very similar to the British Saying, “Have a Benny”, this British Slang term means to, “Throw a Fit” or “Have a Tantrum”. Although in BritSlan...