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Cho Em Gee and other parables (or: A Nef, Already!) 7 Mar 2011 | 01:58 pm
Fresh on the heels of Cho-ing monstar after monstar who’s boss, SPG Cho-se to Cho ahead with a Cho-ordinated assault on the Cho-nly monstar remaining in the Bastion of Twilight, whose name I can’t Cho...
Valiona and Theralion – Bastion of Twilight Raid Boss Guide (Normal) 30 Aug 2011 | 06:33 pm
Theralion and Valiona, magically aged to adulthood, were to be paragons among a new clutch of twilight dragons. Instead, they waste their powers bickering and fighting each other. They present a secon...
Halfus Wyrmbraker – Bastion of Twilight Raid Boss Guide (Normal) 6 Aug 2011 | 03:16 am
Halfus Wyrmbraker, ettin imbued with unnatural power and stamina by Cho’gall is the first boss in the Bastion of Twiligh and one of the easier to beat (both in normal and heroic difficulty). Our g...
Casuals vs. Halfus. 6 Mar 2011 | 02:34 pm
Tonight is the new guilds first raid and our first shot at The Bastion of Twilight’s Halfus Wyrmbreaker. This weeks random adds appear to be Nether, Slate and Whelps which according to a progressed bu...
Twilight Stars – Characters to Watch in 4.3 29 Nov 2011 | 02:02 pm
Cho’gall, the mad corrupted Ogre-lord of the nihilistic Twilight’s Hammer, has been silenced, and the dark secret, Sinestra reborn, hidden beneath his bastion of Twilight, slain. The Lord of the Elem...
10 - Ultimate: Ascension (4.0.6 - 4.2.0)s 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Cataclysm raids - available and scripted: Baradin Hold, Bastion of Twilight (normal mode currently, heroic is soon to come) Twin Peaks, new Cataclysm battleground - available Tol Barad, new Cataclysm ...
Cata Restoration Druid Questing PvE Leveling Build Guide 3 May 2012 | 11:47 am
Welcome to the newest and popular build for Cata Restoration Druid Questing PvE Leveling Build Guide updated for 4.3.4. This is the most up to date popular build since Hour of Twilight patch. What y...
Cata Feral Druid PVE Build Talent Tree Spec Guide 4.3.4 1 May 2012 | 07:19 am
Welcome to the Cata 1-85 Feral Druid PVE Build Talent Tree Spec Guide 4.3.4. This is newly updated for hour of twilight and comes with a full spec guide from 1-85 and also the most popular glyphs for...
Cata 4.3.4 Balance Druid Leveling and Questing Talent Tree Build Guide 1-85 30 Apr 2012 | 07:08 am
Welcome to the best leveling talent tree guide out there right now for Cata 4.3.4 Hour of Twilight. This is for questing and leveling Balance Druids and give you full Talent Tree build from 1-85 alon...
WoW Secrets Guide: Master WoW Cata Hour of Twilight 30 Apr 2012 | 06:52 am
What if I were to tell you that WoW can be played at a level where TOTAL MASTERY of the game is not only possible, but you can also experience a level of enjoyment practically unheard of in the the ga...