Most bat box related news are at:

Le foreste USA bruciano, non solo vicino al parco di Yosemite 27 Aug 2013 | 02:00 pm
Nei primi 7 mesi di quest’anno negli USA il fuoco ha distrutto 9600 km² di foresta (un’area grande come le marche), il 17% in più dello scorso anno. Come si vede dal grafico in alto, il trend degli in...
A Venezia il Green Drop Awards premio per film ambientalisti 26 Aug 2013 | 08:21 pm
Il premio Green Drop Award torna quest’anno in occasione della Mostra internazionale di arte cinematografica di Venezia e assegnato da Green Cross Italia e dalla Città di Venezia al film più ambiental...
More bat box related news:
Wooden One Hitter Dugout Pipe - Ying Yang 6 Jun 2011 | 08:00 am
Wooden One Hitter Dugout Pipe - Ying Yang Dugout handmade wood one hitter bat box. Comes with a one hitter pipe (included). A very practical travel kit that combines a stash compartment and a one-hitt...
Wooden One Hitter Dugout Pipe - Ganja 6 Jun 2011 | 08:00 am
Wooden One Hitter Dugout Pipe - Ganja Dugout handmade wood one hitter bat box. Comes with a one hitter pipe (included). A very practical travel kit that combines a stash compartment and a one-hitter p...
Wooden One Hitter Dugout Pipe - Backgammon 6 Jun 2011 | 08:00 am
Wooden One Hitter Dugout Pipe - Backgammon Dugout handmade wood one hitter bat box. Comes with a one hitter pipe (included). A very practical travel kit that combines a stash compartment and a one-hit...
Large Wood Dugout Pipe - Snake Skin design 24 May 2011 | 08:00 am
Large Wood Dugout Pipe - Snake Skin design Dugout handmade wood one hitter bat box. Comes with a one hitter pipe (included). A very practical travel kit that combines a stash compartment and a one-hit...
How To Create A Wildlife Friendly Garden 25 Jul 2013 | 01:18 am
My bat box I put up last year in the beech tree is home to at least two bats. Ever since I came to Blackbirds I wanted to create a wildlife friendly garden and having been gardening this way for near...
How To Create A Wildlife Friendly Garden 25 Jul 2013 | 01:18 am
My bat box I put up last year in the beech tree is home to at least two bats. Ever since I came to Blackbirds I wanted to create a wildlife friendly garden and having been gardening this way for near...
Pipistrelli per difendersi dalle zanzare 19 Aug 2013 | 08:38 pm
Forse i primi a essere sorpresi da una accoglienza così calorosa saranno loro stessi, abituati da sempre a ben altri trattamenti da parte dell’uomo. La diffusione delle “bat box”, piccole casette di l...
Pipistrelli per difendersi dalle zanzare 19 Aug 2013 | 08:38 pm
Forse i primi a essere sorpresi da una accoglienza così calorosa saranno loro stessi, abituati da sempre a ben altri trattamenti da parte dell’uomo. La diffusione delle “bat box”, piccole casette di l...
Bat Box per pipistrelli da 24.90! 27 Aug 2013 | 03:00 pm
Se pensi che i pipistrelli siano solo un fastidio, preparati a cambiare idea con Bat Box! Una casetta per ''ospitare'' questi voraci divoratori di zanzare che ti libereranno in maniera naturale della ...
Extended World Travel – How to Take a Break from the Rat Race and Travel the World with your Family – our new Book! 7 Dec 2010 | 11:02 am
I’m sitting here with a box full of books beside me. Not any books though – our own book! It’s an amazing thing, being able to hold it in your hands after all this time of talking about it, planning a...