Most belize blue hole diving related news are at:

Danish government allow dredging in marine reserve 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Danish government approves dredging in marine reserve, to environmental organisation's dismay: it will take years for bottom dwelling creatures to recover.
Most Fatal Diving Accidents Avoidable 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
A study published in Forensic Science International shows that most of the fatal diving accidents in Norway, over could be avoided if adequate diving safety procedures had been followed.
More belize blue hole diving related news:
Giant Squid Carcass Found at Belize Blue Hole? 16 Aug 2013 | 11:00 am
Remnants of Large Squid Found by Amigos Del Mar Dive Shop - The crew of Amigos Del Mar Dive Shop seems to always have the best of luck when it comes to new discoveries while they are out at sea during...
Scufundari in insula Guam (USA) pe 20 Dec 2007 26 Dec 2007 | 07:36 am
Make a slideshow - it's easy! First dive: Diving in Guam islands from Crevice Reef towards Blue Hole on Dec 20th 2007. You can see: sea turtles, organge fin anemone fish, nokogiridai, yosujikuedai, ...
7 Keajaiban Laut di Dunia 11 Feb 2013 | 11:10 pm
1. The Blue Hole of Belize Great Blue Hole adalah lubang runtuhan bawah air di lepas pantai Belize. Lubang itu terletak di dekat pusat Karang Lighthouse, sebuah atol kecil yang berjarak 70 kilometer ...
7 Keajaiban Laut di Dunia 15 Feb 2013 | 08:54 pm
1. The Blue Hole of Belize Great Blue Hole adalah lubang runtuhan bawah air di lepas pantai Belize. Lubang itu terletak di dekat pusat Karang Lighthouse, sebuah atol kecil yang berjarak 70 kilometer (...
Caye Caulker e o Fantástico Blue Hole 22 Apr 2013 | 08:46 pm
Ficha 4×1 Data: 13/01/2013 à 14/01/2013 Trajeto: Tomamos um “barco-táxi” em Belize City, direto para a ilha. Caye Caulker e o Blue Hole Depois do … Leia mais »
7 Keajaiban Laut di Dunia 26 May 2013 | 07:02 pm
1. The Blue Hole of Belize Great Blue Hole adalah lubang runtuhan bawah air di lepas pantai Belize. Lubang itu terletak di dekat pusat Karang Lighthouse, sebuah atol kecil yang berjarak 70 kilometer (...
Is the Blue Hole the best dive in Belize? 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
SCUBA Travel launch new page on the diving in Belize, with divers ratings and reviews. The Blue Hole currently has the best rating, indeed, it is ranked sixth in the world never mind just in Belize. B...
The Great Blue Hole Travel Experiences in North America 2 May 2013 | 10:31 am
Situated off the Belize coast, the great Blue Hole is located right in the center of the Lighthouse Reef ecosystem. With an underwater sinkhole measuring around 984 feet, this plunges down 394 feet de...
World Top Ten Diving Sites 21 Apr 2013 | 08:50 pm
LonelyPlanet released 10 renowned diving sites in the world, and the Great Blue Hole in Belize is ranked first. This list is also considered controversial by Australian tourism bodies, because it is n...