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Blue Mini Bell - Fairy - Dragonfly Infrared Remote Control Electric RC Helicopter 17 Nov 2010 | 03:10 pm
The transmitter has a Trim, a Charging and Power Indicator, a Left/Right Lever and a Trimmer A lightweight Lithium Polymer flight battery A small blue LED strobe light that flashes in-flight for night...
Bell and Howell to Focus on Visitors’ Experiences at PRINT 13 22 Aug 2013 | 11:07 pm
Responding Directly to Customer Needs: Enhanced Suite of End-To-End Solutions Opens New Markets, Increases Efficiencies and Reduces Costs Durham, N.C., Aug. 22, 2013 – Bell and Howell, a leading globa...
Une caméra de 1918 dite Ince 24 May 2012 | 09:12 pm
La vidéo dont on trouvera le lien ci-dessous présente une caméra Bell Howell de 1918 acquise par Ince (entendre, comme il est précisé : par les studios Ince), après que celui-ci ait quitté la Triangle...
Bell & Howell: Not Just Black 13 May 2013 | 12:53 am
Every so often, a new bit of Apple II trivia comes my way. I was recently sent a message asking about whether Bell & Howell had made a beige version of its computer. David Bohrman had pictures of this...
Bell & Howell: Not Just Black 13 May 2013 | 12:53 am
Every so often, a new bit of Apple II trivia comes my way. I was recently sent a message asking about whether Bell & Howell had made a beige version of its computer. David Bohrman had pictures of this...
New Bell & Howell *iScope* UNITEC Telescopic Light -TOP Preis 6 Aug 2013 | 07:29 am
Externer Inhalt von eBay New Bell & Howell *iScope* UNITEC Telescopic Light -TOP Preis EUR 12,90 Enddatum: Donnerstag Aug-15-2013 17:47:05 CEST Sofort kaufen bei eBay für nur: EUR 12,90 Sofort kau...
Bell & Howell: Where Arts and Crafts meet International Style 26 Aug 2013 | 06:56 pm
click images for larger view It's still there, the Brown Line trains still speeding by. It's one of a number of old factories along Ravenswood Avenue and the Northwestern tracks on Chicago's North S...