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40K RUMORS: Regarding the Mycetic Spore... 27 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
They rain down from the Hiveships, gelatenous bags of vile ichor and malevolence. Here's the latest word on the Mycetic Spore said to arriving with the upcoming Tyranids. -Mycetic Spore is coming wi...
Brent: The Huffington Post, Trollish Blood, and the Anonymity of the Internet 27 Aug 2013 | 10:00 am
This is the 133rd article I've written for Bell of Lost Souls. Weep, Trolls, weep! Muh, ha, ha! Stay with me a moment, Bell Faithful; that wasn't just a pointless bit of fun. I've been writing for...
More bell of lost souls related news:
Now offering army advice by request! 15 May 2010 | 07:16 am
Hello there. There are plenty of people out there who have no idea how to play 40k. While the good folks at Warseer, Dakka, Bell of Lost Souls, and many other fine 40k establishments do their part to ...
Rat-a-tat-tat 15 Apr 2010 | 04:05 am
On Bell of Lost Souls we were discussing some of the merits of my Imperial Guard list recently, especially in regard to the Special Weapons / W snipers I took. Really it was more about the Ratlings vs...
40K News, Rumors, and Stuff You Shouldn't Miss 7 Apr 2011 | 01:31 pm
State of the Meta Game from Bell of Lost Souls An interesting look at the army breakdowns from Adepticon. What is more interesting is that 40 "count-as" requests were made. 38 of them were for Space W...
40K News, Rumors, and Stuff You Shouldn't Miss 17 Mar 2011 | 10:00 am
Click here to view the Berks Warhammer 40k Tutorials and Tacticas page. Rumors: 6th Edition in the Pipe from Bell of Lost Souls So soon? I just started understanding the assault rules for attached i...
REPORT: BoLScon ala Aventine 25 Aug 2009 | 07:30 am
So I just completed 7 great games of 40k over the course of two days at the first annual Bell of Lost Souls Con. You can see the list I played here. It was an early morning start on Saturday, and it s... 5 Jun 2012 | 03:19 pm
From http://listentomywords-mom.blogspot,com So this post is a sort of it response to this post on Bell of Lost Souls: It ...
Brent: The Huffington Post, Trollish Blood, and the Anonymity of the Internet 27 Aug 2013 | 10:00 am
This is the 133rd article I've written for Bell of Lost Souls. Weep, Trolls, weep! Muh, ha, ha! Stay with me a moment, Bell Faithful; that wasn't just a pointless bit of fun. I've been writing for...
Brent: The Huffington Post, Trollish Blood, and the Anonymity of the Internet 27 Aug 2013 | 10:00 am
This is the 133rd article I've written for Bell of Lost Souls. Weep, Trolls, weep! Muh, ha, ha! Stay with me a moment, Bell Faithful; that wasn't just a pointless bit of fun. I've been writing for Bel...
Wingit - Lost Soul 2003 30 Nov 2010 | 02:11 pm
Artist : Wingit Album : Lost Soul Years : 2003 Genre : Black Metal Location : Semarang/Indonesia Tracklist: 01. Hampa 02. Lost Soul 03. Perempuan Penghuni Neraka 04. Female Temptation 05. Victim Of ...
The Mortal Instruments - Cassandra Clare 12 Jun 2011 | 05:03 am
The Mortal Instruments is a six-part series written by the infamous and apparently prolific author Cassandra Clare. The first four books in the series are already available, with City of Lost Souls an...