Most belo monte monster dam related news are at:

Rights and Responsibility: The Failure of Yasuní-ITT and What it Means for Ecuador’s Indigenous Peoples 26 Aug 2013 | 08:39 am
In the wake of President Correa's decision to terminate the historic Yasuní-ITT initiative the big question has been: Who is to blame for the initiative's failure?
Race to Save Ecuador's Yasuní National Park from Oil Lobby 26 Aug 2013 | 01:47 am
The fate of one of the hotspots of global diversity is hanging by a thread as conservation and indigenous groups in Ecuador race to raise a petition of over half a million names which would force a na...
More belo monte monster dam related news:
Een petitie tegen de dam 13 Nov 2010 | 01:25 am
Door Harry Boek 12-10-2010 Bron: De strijd tegen de bouw van de Belo Monte dam in de Xingu rivier is nog niet opgegeven nu inheemse groepen een formele petitie tegen de bouw ervan naar ...
Brazil Court Pauses Amazon Dam Project 15 Aug 2012 | 07:38 am
The indigenous people of Brazil’s Amazon region received some encouraging news today when a Brazilian federal court ordered that the Belo Monte Damn project be suspended. The suspension is temporary u...