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Belated Happy New Year 5 Jan 2011 | 07:50 am
Well, better late than never. A very, veery small gift from us: Dengeki Daisy extra 2. I vividly remember my first dream of 2011. I jumped off a helicopter into a swimming pool and swam with beluga wh...
Baby Beluga Whale Cocktail Ring - Emitations 13 Sep 2011 | 10:27 pm
Baby Beluga's Whale Cocktail Ring - Sterling Silver from: This is one of the cutest cocktail rings I have come across. Who could not love this little guy's face! It is so adorable an...
Крупнейшая авиакатастрофа в Пакистане унесла жизни 152 человек 30 Jul 2010 | 10:40 pm
В результате падения самолета в окрестностях пакистанской столицы - Исламабе погибли все 152 человека находящиеся на борту. Airbus A321 с 146 пассажирами и 6 членами экипажа на борту совершал внутренн...
Beluga Body Scrub 21 Dec 2011 | 12:00 am
The beluga whale knows the benefits of exfoliation but has to travel way south to the warmer Canadian estuaries to clean it`s skin in their shallow shale waters. The warmer water helps the skin to sof...
Lufthansa A380: Ab Mai täglich nach San Francisco 28 Jan 2011 | 11:11 am
Die Lufthansa wird ab Mai täglich mit dem Airbus A380 von Frankfurt nach San Francisco fliegen. Damit ist SFO nach Johannesburg, Peking, Tokio und New York die fünfte Destination, die Lufthansa mit de...
Reisen wie im Privatjet: Korean Airlines A380 21 Jan 2011 | 12:01 pm
Korean Airlines hat den Sitzplan für seinen ersten Airbus A380 bekannt gegeben: Das komplette obere Deck wird mit Business Class Sitzen ausgerüstet werden. Mit dieser Konfiguration wird der Korean Air...
Grooveshark Unleashes New Music Analytics Hub 30 May 2012 | 07:28 pm
Grooveshark, with a network of more than 20 million listeners worldwide, is making its user data completely public and searchable by artist. Its new real-time search tool, Beluga, launched on Tuesday...
Plane luxury: how US sports stars fly 9 Jan 2011 | 08:10 pm
Delta configures some of its Airbus A319s specifically for NBA teams, with as much as 60 inches of leg room. A typical A319 has as little as 30 inches.
Airbus anuncia nuevas versiones del Airbus A380 27 May 2012 | 03:17 am
El vicepresidente ejecutivo de Programas de Airbus, Tom Williams, ha anunciado en Toulouse que en próximo 2013 Airbus ofrecerá a las aerolíneas dos nuevas variantes del A380 con pesos máximos reducid...
Airbus A380, el avión preferido de los pasajeros 27 May 2012 | 02:10 am
El director de Operaciones de Clientes de Airbus, John Leahy, señaló en Toulouse que en encuestas realizadas entre pasajeros del avión Airbus A380, el 92 por ciento ofrecieron comentarios positivos, d...