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WATCH: Obama Gets Heckled Over Guantanamo 29 May 2013 | 01:47 am

WHY USE GITMO WHEN YOU HAVE DRONES For anyone who hasn't seen this yet, start watching at 18 seconds. The Droner-in-Chief is heckled by Code Pink protestor Medea Benjamin about shutting down GITMO du...

HILARIOUS: Rand Paul Explains Obamacare 29 May 2013 | 12:23 am

BEWARE TURTLES AND BURNING WATER SKIS CHECK THIS CLIP OUT - RUNS 1 MINUTE In a little-noticed speech to the Iowa Republican Party this month, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul mocked President Obama's heal...

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Il n'y aura pas de photos 5 May 2011 | 10:03 am

Il l'a décidé: Obama ne veut pas montrer les photos de Ben Laden mort, pour ne pas inciter à la violence, et ne pas avoir l'air d'exhiber des trophées. Il a donné une interview à "60 minutes" qui ne s...

August 9th, Harbourfront Centre 12 Jul 2013 | 12:08 am

Autorickshaw’s new quintet will perform a 60-minute show on the outdoor Westjet Stage at Harbourfront Centre. Featuring: Justin Abedin – guitars Dylan Bell – bass, keys Ed Hanley – tabla Ben Rile...

Emas Melonjak Tinggi Atas Pernyataan Bernanke 12 Jul 2013 | 06:22 am

Emas berjangka reli untuk pekan kedua setelah Ben Bernanke kemarin mengatakan bahwa AS masih memerlukan “kebijakan monter yang akomodatif di masa mendatang.” Minutes pertemuan kebijakan Fed kemarin m...

La division FED : Une méfiance justifiée 26 Aug 2013 | 12:00 pm

Une chose est sûre ; Ben Bernanke est encore très loin de l’unanimité qu’il espère tant obtenir au sein de son conseil de direction. A en croire les minutes de la dernière réunion du fameux conseil, l...

iFOREX Daily-August 22, 2013 22 Aug 2013 | 11:26 am

The Federal Reserve issued the minutes from its July monetary policy meeting as Chairman Ben Bernanke indicated that the central bank would not consider putting an end to the current quantitative easi...

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