Most ben heck related news are at:

Ben Heck “Steam Box” Concept with AMD APU 12 Jul 2013 | 04:49 am
My idea of a “Steam Box” Last winter I built several projects for AMD to highlight their new line of APU’s (Accelerated Processing Units) which are combination CPU’s and graphics card on a single ...
Every Ben Heck Podcast Intro Ever 23 Jun 2013 | 07:28 am
One of the best parts of doing our podcast years ago was making the fun, parody “Intros” Classic include “Tetris: The Movie”, the “Mario Cop” series, “Video Pirates of the Caribbean” and “It’s a Wond...
More ben heck related news:
Ben Heck creates motion control gloves for Xbox 4 Jun 2012 | 05:52 pm
The Kinect is cool, but perhaps not perfect for all uses. Famous console modder Benjamin Heckendorn was especially unimpressed by its accuracy for video playback control, and decided to make his own c...
New Xbox 360 Laptop 22 Oct 2012 | 06:59 pm
We’re doing a small batch of Xbox 360 laptops for Holiday Season 2012. This was the unit we built on Episode 52 of the Ben Heck Show. Cost: $2000 US + shipping (appx $20 continental US) Size: 15″ x 9″...
Raspberry Pi como consola portátil, por Ben Heck 16 Jun 2013 | 05:13 am
Raspberry Pi es un dispositivo con un enorme potencial. Se le puede dar un uso doméstico, profesional o incluso usarlo como elemento principal de un bricolaje geek, gracias en parte a la amplia comuni...
Every Ben Heck Podcast Intro Ever 23 Jun 2013 | 07:28 am
One of the best parts of doing our podcast years ago was making the fun, parody “Intros” Classic include “Tetris: The Movie”, the “Mario Cop” series, “Video Pirates of the Caribbean” and “It’s a Wond...
Ben Heck “Steam Box” Concept with AMD APU 12 Jul 2013 | 04:49 am
My idea of a “Steam Box” Last winter I built several projects for AMD to highlight their new line of APU’s (Accelerated Processing Units) which are combination CPU’s and graphics card on a single ...
Resistor Value? 27 Aug 2013 | 09:43 am
Sorry if this seems stupid, but what is the value of this resistor? I took a screenshot from the Ben Heck Show, part 2 of the Teen Texting Prevention and boxed the resistor in red. It looks like from ...
portable raspberry pi 25 Aug 2013 | 04:24 pm
Hi I am looking to make my raspberry pi portable I need some help on a few things, on the ben heck show when he built his he used a 7.4v battery to power a lcd but all the ones I can find need 12v wil...
Ameliyattan sonra burnumun nasıl olacağını görebilecek miyim ? 24 Jul 2010 | 01:03 am
Her cerrah ameliyatın tahmini sonuçlarını göstermek için farklı yol izler. Bu amaçla aynalar, elle yapılmış çizimler, doğal büyüklükte fotoğraflar ve bilgisayar programları kullanılabilir. Ben isteyen...
hayaller ve yetenekler... 2 Apr 2011 | 08:50 am
Kalem neyi yazarsa, kelam onu konuşur... İlk okul 1.sınıf öğrencisiyim..Öğretmenim, Malatya güzeli Lütfiye hocam..Diğer arkadaşlarımla nasıl cebelleştiğini gözüm görmüyor,çünkü ben kendimi tanıyamıyo...
Yukarı bakalımmı :) 26 Mar 2011 | 09:52 pm
Heey ben geldiiiimm :) saat 13.40 günaydın demek için geç bir saat mi bilmiyorum..olsuuunnn hafta sonu evlerinde olupda uykumu alayım diyenler için gününüz aydın olsun,sıcacık ,güneşli bir Ank...