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55% Of The Equity Buy Side Reads Seeking Alpha 1 Aug 2012 | 04:22 am
Revinate grabs $14.5M funding round, travel reputation management becomes a big deal 26 Jul 2012 | 01:38 am
More benchmark capital related news:
Intuit to Acquire Demandforce for $424MM 28 Apr 2012 | 01:15 am
This morning, Intuit announced its agreement to acquire one of Benchmark’s portfolio companies, Demandforce, for $424mm. As with Instagram, Benchmark Capital is the largest institutional investor in D...
Our Most Recent Marketplace Investment, DogVacay from Los Angeles 13 Nov 2012 | 05:54 pm
Earlier today, DogVacay, an exciting new startup in Los Angeles, announced that Benchmark Capital has led its most recent round of financing. DogVacay is an online marketplace that links dog owners wi...
DogVacay Raises $6M in Series-A Financing from Benchmark Capital 13 Nov 2012 | 08:45 pm
DogVacay the leading national pet services marketplace, today announces the close of a Series-A financing with a $6 million investment from Benchmark Capital. This round comes after previous funding f...
Elasticsearch: Easy, Complete and Robust – Just Like Our Product 8 Nov 2012 | 06:33 pm
With unbelievable excitement we just announced Elasticsearch secured $10M in Series A venture funding from Benchmark Capital, led by Peter Fenton. Other investors in the round include my SpringSource ...
Энди Раклифф об успешных инвестициях 31 Mar 2013 | 11:19 am
Энди Раклифф, экс-венчурный капиталист (Benchmark Capital, в связи с чем он также является героем этой книги), а нынче гендиректор (в дальнейшем планирует быть просто председателем правления) Wealthfr...
Энди Раклифф об успешных инвестициях 31 Mar 2013 | 11:19 am
Энди Раклифф, экс-венчурный капиталист (Benchmark Capital, в связи с чем он также является героем этой книги), а нынче гендиректор (в дальнейшем планирует быть просто председателем правления) Wealthfr...
Google crede in Uber 25 Aug 2013 | 09:37 pm
Il servizio di trasporto privato, Uber, ha ricevuto nuovi finanziamenti per lo sviluppo. La società americana ha incassato la cifra di 361.2 milioni di dollari da TPG, Benchmark Capital, Goldman Sachs...
從口袋裡建造運輸帝國,Uber 何以價值連城 26 Aug 2013 | 09:28 am
照片來源:Uber 對一般大眾來說,Uber 是一個便利的叫車服務,而在投資者眼裡,Uber是一項價值34億美金,充滿發展潛力的業務。2011 年 11 月,當 Uber 從包括 Menlo Ventures、Benchmark Capital 和高盛在內的投資時,這一估值還只有 3.3億 美元。不到兩年時間,Uber 的估值已經翻了 10 倍。下面這篇來自 BusinessInsider 的文...
Bovine raises havoc 25 Apr 2007 | 09:42 am
A seldom seen scene on the streets of a German State Capital mobilized some 30 policemen and firefighters just a few days after the Fair was over. Uschi, a pregnant Charolais, left behind dumbfounded ...
Why Writing “See ID” on Credit Cards Is The Worst Thing You Can Do 24 Jul 2009 | 02:51 pm
Yes, even worse than beating puppies. Because credit cards won’t grow up to pee on your slippers. Unless you have Capital One. Back in high school, I did a stint in retail selling greeting cards and ...