Most benefits of spam comments related news are at:

Planning for OpenWorld? Here’s Some Help. 26 Aug 2013 | 10:57 pm
It’s nearly September, and OpenWorld is coming up quickly. If you’re attending and are interested in user experience, Misha (@mishavaughan) has a rundown of all the Applications User Experience going...
Vote for Anthony! And Utlan! And Freedom! 23 Aug 2013 | 09:25 pm
Don’t think I’ve ever used so many exclamation marks, ever. File this one under brand promotion and feel free to ignore. The voting period for SXSW Interactive 2014 has begun and continues through Se...
More benefits of spam comments related news:
Mass Blog Commenting Services by a Singapore SEO Company 4 Mar 2011 | 01:34 pm
Today when I checked my mail in the morning I was surprised to see more than the usual number in my inbox, only to realise that a huge bunch of the mails are due to spam comments on this blog. All th...
What are plugins and how to add them to your self-hosted WordPress blog. 11 Sep 2011 | 08:08 pm
What are plugins? Plugins are tools which help you to have a better blog as they extends its functionality. Plugins I recommend for a self-hosted blog: Akismet – prevents spamming comments to your ...
I want to hear from you! Comments are back on 16 Mar 2012 | 07:58 am
Due to a high voltage of SPAM comments, I turned off the comments function for a year. Hoping things would change. It kind of didn’t but I turned on the commenting function again. Because I want to he...
Dealing With Spam 17 May 2007 | 07:50 pm
Well, I expected this time to come. Spam comments and posts have started coming through, so I've locked off all comments, poll voting, etc from anonymous users. I'll be opening up registrations for th...
comments spam 17 Mar 2010 | 08:22 pm
it's gonna take me a week to delete all these damn spam-comments... anybody want a temporary admin account to help me delete them?
Akismet Just Filtered Its 50 Billionth Piece Of Spam, Now Seeing 700 Spam Comments Per Second 30 May 2012 | 05:34 pm
WordPress just hit an impressive milestone today: it has now filtered its 50 billionth piece of spam. Akismet, the homegrown comment filtering system from WordPress maker Automattic is the tool respon...
3 ways to avoid spam comments on WordPress 2 Apr 2012 | 02:46 am
Since I’ve started posting articles on this blog, I was assaulted by comment spammers or spam trackbacks.I am tired of this and I’ve decided to search a few methods to avoid spam commenting that will ...
First anniversary of 28 May 2012 | 05:58 am
On May 25. 2011, was born. Since then, 53 posts were published and 660 non-spam comments were done. 167.387 impressions in 86.597 visits made by 55.360 unique visitors, with 4.842 visi...
Spam comments and links 21 Aug 2011 | 06:19 am
You are welcome to comment and add your website in the relevant space. Please stop spam comments and links as you are only wasting my time. They will not be approved. Share something good and useful a...
WordPress, σβήστε χιλιάδες spam comments με μια κίνηση 27 Feb 2012 | 11:03 pm
Όσοι έχουν ιστοσελίδα ή blog σε WordPress και δεν έχουν αγοράσει κάποιο Plugin σχετικά με τα spam, τότε σίγουρα μέσα στα comments τους μπορεί να έχουν βρει και χιλιάδες spam. Και πως σβήνουμε τόσα co...