Most bentuk magic levitation related news are at:

HIGH HEELS horrorr.. dari HEWAN MATI .. mau coba ?? 7 Mar 2012 | 04:06 pm
Macabre: This pair of snakeskin heels show a snake seemingly eating its own tail Suffer for your art: The heels can only be worn for several hours at a time before becoming too uncomfortable Extreme...
Walah, Ingin Pecahkan Rekor Dikubur Hidup-hidup, Malah Mati Beneran 7 Mar 2012 | 04:01 pm
Hasrat untuk memecahkan rekor paling lama dikubur hidup-hidup justru berbuah petaka bagi Janaka Basnayake (24). ia dinyatakan dinyatakan meninggal dunia setelah melakukan aksi tersebut, Senin (5/3/201...
More bentuk magic levitation related news:
Magic + Miracle.... 16 May 2011 | 01:51 pm
ADAKAH ANDA? 1. Bosan tengok LEMAK PERUT yang terkumpul. Pakai dress nampak berlipat-lipat. 2. Menyampah dgn bentuk badan OUT OF SHAPE – menggeleber sana sini… 3. Geram tahap dewa dgn PEHA BESAR ma...
Keyboard Masa Depan Tercanggih 26 Jun 2011 | 04:51 am
Mau tau seperti apa Keyboard Masa Depan bentuk dan cara kerjanya. Langsung aja gan simak video dibawah ini pasti pengen: Celluon Magic Cube
Can a product float on air? You gotta see Magic Babe Ning's gravity-defying act! 5 Mar 2013 | 08:46 pm
Magic Babe Ning amazingly manages to float a product in the air making it seem that the product is surprisingly light. Pretty cool levitation trick, I would say! Worth a watch and sharing it with your...
Levitate using your iPhone App 13 Jun 2013 | 05:44 am
Magic is cool and mysterious, and we all want some mystery for ourselves to impress the people with our tricks. Levitation is very common trick done by magicians, but due[...]
Magic Eve Bra Asli Murah 21 Jul 2013 | 10:05 pm
Magic Eve Bra. Anda ingin memiliki bentuk payudara lebih indah, padat, berisi, terlihat besar? dengan Magic Eve Bra solusi untuk mengencangkan payudara yang terlihat kecil, kendor. Anda sudah mencari ...
Miliki Payudara Indah, Padat, dan Berisi dengan Eve Magic Push Up Bra - Hanya Rp.89,000 / sets (Include Bra & Underwear) 1 Aug 2013 | 10:00 pm
Details Of The Deal Kencang, padat, dan berisi. Siapa sih wanita yang tak ingin memiliki bentuk payudara seindah ini. Dengan Magi Eve Push Up Bra, DEALers bisa memilikinya. Dilengkapi dengan karet ma...
Simple Tips to Create Levitation Photography with Snapheal (+ Good News) 27 Aug 2013 | 08:26 am
We – photographers – make magic happen using a wide range of interesting techniques. Some popular wizardry now being spread around is levitation photography: where objects and people appear to float i...
Riding the Fastest Train in the World 11 Aug 2013 | 07:08 pm
Ever think it might be fun to levitate? That’s just fantasy stuff, right? The kind of thing we only see in movies, or magic shows. Not true. There is a place where floating in midair, and doing it a...
Dynamo & Pepsi Max 12 Aug 2013 | 11:00 am
The illusions & magic of the super-talented Dynamo have been well documented over the last couple of years.... "walking on water" across the River Thames, levitating from the side of a double decker ...
Riding the Fastest Train in the World 11 Aug 2013 | 07:10 pm
Ever think it might be fun to levitate? That's just fantasy stuff, right? The kind of thing we only see in movies, or magic shows. Not true. There is a place where floating in midair, and doing it a...