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Bernie 11 May 2012 | 06:00 am
After making so many films about basically decent people, it's good to know that Richard Linklater had some Hitchcock in him. In his deft comedy Bernie, Linklater brings not just the winsome touch tha...
The Player's Club 8 Apr 2012 | 04:27 pm
1998 movie "The Player's Club" starring Lisa Raye, Bernie Mac, Chrystale Wilson, Jamie Foxx, Anthony Johnson and Monica Calhoun. Lisa Raye is super sexy as a stripper in this 1998 movie. Movie also ha...
Bernie Movie 2012 1 May 2012 | 06:59 am
Movie Information Directed by: Richard Link later Produced by: Liz Glotzer, Celine Rattray, Martin Shafer, Ginger Sledge, Shane Stanger, Alex Gudim, Matt Williams, David McFadzean, Dete Meserve, and...
Syma S111G Review 19 Jan 2012 | 05:27 pm
Both myself and Bernie take our Syma helicopter reviews very seriously and try to give good and bad points on every review
Jack Black plays a likeable killer in ‘Bernie’ 30 May 2012 | 02:44 pm
There's a bumper sticker that bears the slogan, “some people are only alive because it's against the law to kill them.” In the case of Marjorie Nugent, a woman generally regarded by everyone i...
BRITISH GP SAVED, 17-YEAR DEAL STRUCK 14 Mar 2010 | 09:33 pm
A deal has finally and officially been struck between Bernie Ecclestone and Silverstone. The British GP will be held at Silverstone from next season in the first year of a 17-year deal reached last we...
Ecclestone: Vettel Bisa Lewati Schumi 14 Mar 2012 | 05:04 am
Ecclestone: Vettel Bisa Lewati Schumi Usia Sebastian Vettel masih sangat muda. Tak heran, bos F1 Bernie Ecclestone optimistis Vettel bisa melewati rekor Michael Schumacher. Banyak kalangan yang meyak...
New Affiliates to Aussie Biz Locator 2 Aug 2011 | 09:00 pm
Aussie Biz Locator would like to congratulations to Meryl from ‘The Business Matrix’ and Bernie from ‘Oz Biz Search’ on becoming affiliates of the Uglii Coalition with Aussie Biz Locator.
Berni pásztorkutya - Gazdiképző kisokos - Nagy Irén, 1274 Ft 7 Sep 2011 | 10:26 pm
Gazdiképző kisokosunkban minden olyan alapvető információt összegyűjtöttünk, amit a leendő vagy gyakorló kutyatulajdonosoknak tudniuk kell ahhoz, hogy felelősségteljesen bánhassanak kedvencünkkel. A k...
Manu Sanchez @ Bar Rapinya 19 Nov 2011 | 10:00 am
Sábado 19 de noviembre, Bar Rapinya (Sa Pobla) presenta a los artistas: Manu Sanchez, Animmik, Daani Pc, Tooni Tg, Zaes, Pierre Giovanni y Berny. Entrada libre, A partir de las 00h.