Most best atheist quote ever related news are at:

Debating and Deconversion 12 Sep 2009 | 06:20 am
Sisyphus: This is a guest post written by one of my good friends and a regular commenter, Schevus. One of the biggest problems that arises when a non-theist and a theist (Christian for the purposes o...
Should Prayer Instead Of Penicillin Be Criminal? 8 Sep 2009 | 11:07 am
In last few years there have been a lot of instances reported in the news about children dying because their parents chose prayer instead of penicillian. The problem here isn’t that the parents prayed...
More best atheist quote ever related news:
35 Best Love Quotes Ever Written on Love. 6 Apr 2013 | 10:08 am
If you have ever been in love, you will know how it feels when you are in love. How you feel insane and time passes so slowly when you are not with them. How they dominate your thoughts and you can al...
The Best Quotes Ever on the State of Intelligence 31 Mar 2010 | 06:07 am
May 5, 2010 (and I forgot to make my car payment! Drat!) Today’s quotes brought to you by Nice site, take a look. A pretty varied selection as you will tell. From a Pope to Adolp...
Best “Fashion” Quote I Have Ever Read 21 Sep 2012 | 04:30 am
:-) Pencil + Watercolour Paint + Digital Lettering Happy Friday!
Best Quotes Ever – The World Best Quotes 27 May 2013 | 12:53 am
These inspiring quotes about love, life and friendship might motivate and help you have a better life. Feel free to share with us your most favorite quotes. “I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecu...
Best CEO/Entrepreneur Quote Ever, By a Mile 4 Jul 2013 | 12:00 pm
Best CEO/Entrepreneur Quote Ever, By a Mile I’ve seen and heard a lot of these. But perhaps it’s fitting that on Independence Day, I realized that this gem of a quote, not specifically about entrepr...
"Transmitters Q.R.P." article from the "Radio Wsem" magazine, May issue, 1927 18 Aug 2013 | 01:12 am
Yet another vintage Soviet magazine with a yellow-red cover and the giant LENIN quote. Not the best possible design ever, let's turn over the cover. In this article my attention has been drawn to the...
The best pro-gun quote ever 20 Aug 2013 | 08:30 am
Says the anti-gun dork on “Assault Weapons Discussion” Facebook Page If you need an AR-15 to hunt, you suck at hunting. Says Fred Routt, in response If you need an unarmed citizen to govern then yo...
[ULTIMATE FIVERR DOMINATION] How YOU Can Make $3200 On Fiverr!…..Best WSO Ever! 18 Feb 2012 | 07:25 am
Quote: Originally Posted by PeterDement Absolutely AMAZING, what more can I say. I very rarely leave reviews on WSO threads because when you’ve been in the game as long as I have you realize that m...
Words to Live and Work By 5 Oct 2011 | 12:33 am
In his post explaining his decision to join CrunchFund, MG Siegler includes a great quote from Greylock’s John Lilly: One of the best pieces of advice I ever got, back when I was 23 and newly out of ...
50 Most Badass Action Movie Quotes 25 Nov 2009 | 05:47 am
Welcome to the 50 most badass movie lines of all time. Below you will find a list of our all-time favourite badass quotes from some of the best action hero movies ever made. If there’s something we’...