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More best birthday gifts related news:
MISTER MAO 29 Dec 2011 | 06:35 am
This year, I received the best birthday gift from the boyfriend. Please meet our little darling, Mao Mao.
Five Years 12 Feb 2008 | 05:22 pm
This months marks the five year anniversary of the greatest birthday gift I've ever received. Some girls love diamonds, others chocolate - but me?....The best birthday gift I ever got was my pacemaker...
What is the best birthday gift you ever received? 4 Mar 2011 | 03:52 am
Today is my birthday and I sit in my room reminiscing the Kodai trip of last year. Kodai is a hill station located in the Palani hills, Dindigal district, Tamil Nadu. To my pleasant surprise the trip ...
happy birthday Ikhwan Hashim 26 Feb 2011 | 02:00 am
assalamualaikum.. 25th February 2011. genap dua puluh lapan tahun umur ikhwan hashim. dah tua ok. hehe. and he got the best birthday gift ever!! the best one could ever ask for. iaitu anak anugerah A...
Best Birthday Gift Ever 24 Aug 2012 | 01:30 am
I love my friends just as they are, but… I’m not ashamed to admit that I love them more when they give me chocolate. I’m less ashamed to admit that I love them even more when they give me LOTS and LOT...
A heartfelt birthday toast can be the best birthday gift you can give. 29 Jan 2013 | 03:41 pm
A heartfelt birthday toast can be the best birthday gift you can give. The words you use can give a memory for life, if they are the right words. After all most of us remember when someone pays us a g...
The best birthday gift in the world. 3 Apr 2013 | 11:19 pm
Last Week was my birthday. Seven days ago exactly. I am HUGE into birthdays, making lunch ...
Best Birthday Gift Ever 5 Apr 2013 | 08:51 pm
Guest what? Someone gave me a cat for my birthday last Saturday And I'm calling her Kidi Obviously the best birthday gift ever!!!!
Best Birthday Gift Ever 5 Apr 2013 | 08:51 pm
Guest what? Someone gave me a cat for my birthday last Saturday And I'm calling her Kidi Obviously the best birthday gift ever!!!!
Aging Gracefully 15 Jul 2013 | 03:07 pm
Turning forty soon? Give yourself the best birthday gift ever. It is now time to invest in some quality time for yourself so that you can look as glowing as ever on the D-day and on all your coming bi...