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McCain Says Six Party Talks Will Only Restart When North Korea Is Ready To Denuclearize 27 Aug 2013 | 02:15 pm
So is anyone heartbroken that the six party talks will not be restarting anytime soon?: The United States will not allow the resumption of the long-stalled six-party talks on ending North Korea’s nuc...
North Korean Defector Swims To Freedom 27 Aug 2013 | 09:40 am
Via the Marmot’s Hole comes news of a North Korean defector who swam his way from North Korea: So, a 46-year-old North Korean swam his way (perhaps with help from a wooden log) to South Korea’s Gyodo...
More best korean films related news:
Dogtooth’s nomination and why it matters. 27 Jan 2011 | 06:25 am
It came by surprise to most Greeks Yorgos Lanthimos‘ best foreign film Oscar nomination. At times where media and “arts” are being raped by bad taste and cheap productions this was good news. It was n...
Best Thai Movies and Best Movies Filmed in Thailand 30 May 2012 | 06:38 pm
A quick check will show you that there are many highly successful Thai movies around. A deeper glimpse will show you that a few of your very own favorite international movies were filmed in Thailand!
Animated Movies of 2011 22 Jul 2011 | 10:06 pm
The year 2011 has already produced the best animated films to movie lovers can imagine and there is more to come. The 2011 animated film that came and were released in the cinema and the whole family ...
Memories In March (2011) 22 Apr 2012 | 11:30 pm
This National Award winning film under the category Best English Film 2010 written by and starring internationally renowned director Ritupano Ghosh depicts the story of a bereaved mother, dumbstruck b...
Top Ten Best Cinematography Films 3 Apr 2012 | 06:52 pm
During my research of gory movies, watching films by Gaspar Noe and Dario Argento, I learned that gorgeous cinematography can often help make a film great, and surprisingly, some of the most beautiful...
Tree Petts 10 May 2012 | 10:07 pm
Tree Petts Casting specialises in Commercials, Promos, Virals, Music Videos and Print Advertising. Numerous Drama projects include the award winning film ‘Washdays’ (Rushes Soho Best Short Film) and N...
DVD Review – The House of the Devil 29 Mar 2010 | 11:47 am
Monday 29th March sees the release of The House of the Devil, a movie that the folks over at /Film called “The best horror film of the year”. Naturally, having been billed as such a frightfest, Jason...
Korea in London with CJ 18 May 2006 | 08:37 am
Due to the korean distributor CJ, from May 22nd to 26th will be held the 4th CJ London Korean Film Festival. As last year the festival has received such a huge success, they decided to look forward by...
Dead Snow 16 Jun 2009 | 04:00 pm
"One of the 25 BEST ZOMBIE FILMS ever made!" - Entertainment Weekly "There is a storm of scary fun to be had in this Scandanavian spatterfest!" - Travers, Rolling Stone
Harmony (2010 Korean Movie): An Apercu 15 May 2011 | 12:38 am
--- Another tearjerker. One of the best musical films I've seen. This film is added to my list of Korean movie favorites next to A Moment to Remember. I was surprised to find myself almost crying at t...