Most beta coworking related news are at:
Interview of Jean-Philippe Van Hove from on 11 Jul 2013 | 11:07 pm, un site d’échange d’objets original et gratuit Payer avec une noix ! C’est ainsi que nous pourrions résumer l’idée des quatre créateurs de Nous avons tous des objets qu’on n’...
Interview of Jeremy Le Van on 11 Jul 2013 | 10:39 pm
Sunrise, ou comment regrouper tous ses calendriers en une seule application Durant ces mois de juillet et août, les Teknophiles de propose des rencontres avec des créateurs d’entreprises high-...
More beta coworking related news:
Silverback Beta copies sent out 8 May 2008 | 05:00 am
Hey there! Thanks to everyone who replied to our request for Silverback beta testers. We’ve been overwhelmed by the response! Today we sent out the first round of beta invites. If you requested one ...
Do you fancy Beta testing Silverback? 9 May 2008 | 05:00 am
Hi there! We’ve been hard at work alpha testing Silverback for the last few weeks, and now were ready for some beta testers to give it a whirl. So, would you like to have a go? Firstly, you’ll nee...
Norton Internet Security and AntiVirus 2012 Public Beta Available 11 Oct 2011 | 01:17 pm
AntiVirus and Norton Internet Security 2012 public beta is available E Norton, Symantec released beta version of the award-winning Norton AntiVirus 2012 and Norton Internet Security, all of which are...
Call for beta testers 16 Oct 2010 | 03:41 pm
the first beta version of the upcoming MisterEstate major release will be ready for testing soon. We are searching for users which are interested in testing our new baby. Please contact us via the con...
Beta slovenské verze 2 Dec 2009 | 02:01 am
K dispozici je nově také verze portálu určená slovenským uživatelům, lze ji nalézt na (nebo Je přizpůsobena slovenským uživatelům. Na této verzi stále probíhá vývoj.
Beta verze mobilní verze 4 Nov 2009 | 02:22 am
Pro uživatele mobilních telefonů jsme zpřístupnili mobilní verzi úvodní stránky portálu na - pokud tedy využíváte internet v mobilu, budeme rádi, pokud si tuto stránku nastaví... 26 Sep 2009 | 05:13 am
Dnes jsme pro Vás spustili beta verzi vyhledávače MP3 souborů na adrese Doufáme, že Vám bude k užitku.
Adobe Photoshop CS3 17 Dec 2006 | 10:40 am
Adobe has released a beta of the upcoming Photoshop CS3 which is available for download from Photoshop Labs. You will however need a valid serial number of Photoshop CS2, Adobe Creative Suite 2, Adobe...
Nesro 1 Sep 2011 | 04:41 am
NESRO[Beta] NESRO[VIP] And another in progress: NESRO[Retro] Rates EXP: 20x SP: 20x Drop(Gold): 15x What works / Under development / Beta: Party – works Party Match – works Party sharing – works Pa...
Nokia Mapas 2.0 Beta 10 Feb 2012 | 03:24 pm
A Nokia disponibilizou um atualização para o aplicativo Maps, a versão 2.0 Beta. Entre as novidades desta nova versão, temos: Integração de fotos com geotagging de lugares visitados no mapa Busca po...