Most better facebook related news are at:

Twitter 利用 Human Computation 改善搜尋結果(Amazon's Mechanical Turk) 29 May 2013 | 11:42 am
Twitter 最近在其 Engineer Blog 中發表了一篇 Improving Twitter search with real-time human computation,當中介紹了 Twitter 使用了 Amazon's Mechanical Turk 服務來改善搜尋引擎的精準度。 整個處理的流程是這樣: Twitter 利用 Storm(註:Storm 是 Twitter 所...
Twitter 利用 Human Computation 改善搜尋結果(Amazon's Mechanical Turk) 19 Jan 2013 | 07:47 am
Twitter 最近在其 Engineer Blog 中發表了一篇 Improving Twitter search with real-time human computation,當中介紹了 Twitter 使用了 Amazon's Mechanical Turk 服務來改善搜尋引擎的精準度。 整個處理的流程是這樣: Twitter 利用 Storm(註:Storm 是 Twitter 所...
More better facebook related news:
Better Facebook 13 Oct 2011 | 08:55 pm
Undeniable that the social network has a large user base. If you are one person who has a Facebook account, and hoping to be able to customize the look of your Facebook account, or want more control o...
It Gets Better: Facebook Employees 30 May 2012 | 05:26 pm Facebook employees share their stories for the It Gets Better Project. Learn more at
Pittsburgh SEO Lady, Where Ya Been? 26 May 2011 | 12:50 pm
I have been away for quite a while now and really missed adding new content to this Pittsburgh SEO Lady website. I’m kind of embarrassed that my last blog – How To Post Better Facebook Status Updates ...
How To Post Better Facebook Status Updates 12 Jul 2010 | 06:28 pm
Here is a useful video and written tips by Howcast on “How To Write Better Status Updates On Facebook”. This can help you attract more network friends and conversions for your Pittsburgh business. Ste...
Better Facebook: Free Script To Make Your Facebook Experience Better 18 Aug 2010 | 09:17 am
Better Facebook is a FREE user script that plugs into your browser and adds a lot of great enhancements to your existing Facebook account. Here’s just some of its 75 features: 1) Tabbed News Feeds ...
6 Tips for Better Facebook Parenting 1 Mar 2012 | 01:12 am
Recently, many people chimed in about the “Laptop Shooting Dad‘s” reaction to his 15-year-old daughter’s Facebook posts. Not only is the subject of social media parenting popular, but his stunt has su...
Facebook + Google Chrome 11 Feb 2011 | 08:55 am
Langsung aja buat yang pake Google Chrome & suka Facebook silahkan coba extensi berikut ini: Better Facebook : Extensi Google Chrome dengan fitur seabrek terkait facebook, kalo disebutin satu-satu bi...
25 Tips for better facebook advertising results 30 Sep 2012 | 12:45 am
Are you wondering how to get the best results for your Facebook advertising campaign? Have you tried so many different ways but you still get undesirable results? Do you know that if you don’t do your...
Social Fixer voor Facebook 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Sociale Fixer voor Facebook "(voorheen bekend als Better Facebook) is een gratis browser extensie die verbeteringen aan je Facebook maakt. Het helpt je met het verwijderen van ergernissen en het toev...
4 Ways to Thump Your Competition with Better Facebook Analysis 18 Nov 2012 | 06:00 pm
Managing a Facebook page is a major part of many companies’ marketing and communication programs, but the data we use to measure the effectiveness of those efforts is sorely lacking. Facebook consiste...