Most biblical meaning of justify related news are at:

Review: Do you feel called by God? Rethinking the call to ministry 26 Aug 2013 | 03:00 am
Do you feel called by God? Rethinking the call to ministry Michael Bennett, Matthias Media: Kingsford, 2012.1 Michael Bennett’s book is brilliant. I loved it. Let me tell you why. Ever since I bec....
→ Don’t waste your vote 23 Aug 2013 | 09:11 am
Geoff Robson has been writing a series on voting as a Christian—a topic particularly relevant for Australians at the moment, but for many of us around the world. He’s concluded the five parts with fou...
More biblical meaning of justify related news:
5 - Christian Resources Today 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Christian Resources - Bible study online articles, exploring Biblical events, Christian music videos, quotes, Biblical meaning of numbers and names, Christian martyrs, testimony videos, **FREE** Bible...
6 - Christian Resources and Information 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Christian Resources - Bible study online articles, exploring Biblical events, Christian music videos, quotes, Biblical meaning of numbers and names, Christian martyrs, testimony videos, **FREE** Bible...
9/14/12 Dreams & Words & #999999999999999999999 16 Sep 2012 | 03:34 pm
I looked at my phone and saw #999999999999999999999 - I have never seen anything like this on my phone before. When looking it up on google- it said the biblical meaning of 9 is Finality and also Judg...
Biblical Meaning of Pillar of Defense 16 Nov 2012 | 04:44 pm
Interesting information about the meaning of the name "Pillar of Defense" was posted on TheRightScoop. I read the other day that “Pillar of Defense” was a Biblical name, but I couldn’t find that exac...
"The meaning has changed for me" 16 Dec 2010 | 01:45 pm
"The meaning has changed for me".... have you heard this before? I mostly hear or read this when Muslims are trying to justify celebrating holidays other than the 2 Eids. Aside from the following hadi...
Yom Kippur Koton 23 Jul 2007 | 07:01 am
YK kotn is called thus because it's only one. For the two days of regular YK are called "one day" two, I mean: too, yummu arichtah, so to make things clear, the biblically commanded fastday before RCh...
Love is Patient 5 Jan 2009 | 01:00 pm
It is so very easy to become frustrated and angry with those we "love," but what does having a true Biblical love mean during frustrating times?
Does Ben Belong in the Big Pen? 28 Jun 2007 | 10:47 am
Does the end justify the means? Does it ever? Is there any circumstance under which we could pursue an end yet still feel unperturbed? Clearly I think most of us, if not all of us, occasionally ratio...
Indians lose Grace while India wins the Cup 4 Apr 2011 | 11:35 pm
This World Cup was not like the one in 1983, this time India was the best team, a clear favorites who justified their position by winning the cup. I am not saying that it was any mean achievement; but...
Nemo expectat Sanctum Officium 26 Feb 2012 | 11:07 am
As long-time readers will be aware (hello, both of you), I like to try and be charitable towards our spiritual leaders. I mean to say, Rowan Williams comes in for a lot of stick, some of it justified,...