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Facebook symbols (key Alt). 9 May 2011 | 06:44 am
Symbols for facebook can be inserted into your facebook ,chat window, messages, status, comments etc.. ♪ = Musical note ♫ = Big musical note ♥ = heart symbol on facebook ☺= Smile face ☻ = Black smil...
V.A. - Jazz Directions (Compiled by J.Sigal 2004) 9 Feb 2009 | 10:15 pm
Posted by Dimitris Sigalos This compilation is created with real care and respect for those who sent jazz music to the sky limit. Jazz Directions is a small effort for such a big music that covers tr...
A Christmas party for all characters 13 Dec 2011 | 06:34 pm
I love big musical productions – the orchestra, the costumes, the constantly changing scenery and all the bells and whistles. But truly, it’s the smaller productions that really leave it up to the act...
Follow Friday (4) 13 Jan 2012 | 07:47 pm
Q: Many readers/bloggers are also big music fans. Tell us about a few of your favorite bands/singers that we should listen to in 2012. I am completely in love with Parachute right now. They are an am...
T-Series bags Ra.One, Anjaana Anjaani and Rockstar 19 Aug 2010 | 06:11 am
Continuing with its aggressive acquisition spree which started two years ago with music of all A grade films being released under T-Series followed by the acquisition of Reliance Big Music catalogue i...
So many music sites. So little time 5 Jan 2010 | 02:45 pm
So it’s the new year and with the new year comes good intentions and resolutions. One of mine is to write here a more than what I have in the past. Here’s to keeping that resolution. I’m a big music ...
Help us put together the playlist for the Three Party! 22 Jun 2011 | 11:09 pm
Bloggers road-tripping to #CyberMummy11 have been atwitter about what they’re listening to on the drive, but a big musical question remains: what are we going to listen to at the party? The Three par...
What My Kids Learned About Sex…From Musicals 7 Dec 2011 | 07:18 am
My older daughter loves musicals. She has aspirations to sing on Broadway. So we watch a lot of musicals, which I must admit (not having been a big musical fan), I have enjoyed very much. Musicals rea...
So many music sites. So little time 5 Jan 2010 | 09:45 am
So it’s the new year and with the new year comes good intentions and resolutions. One of mine is to write here a more than what I have in the past. Here’s to keeping that resolution. I’m a big music p...
Love Cards Love Greeting Cards Romantic I Love You Ecards 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Spice up your romance, email love cards, say I love you in style with full screen love greeting cards, big musical love greetings for the romantic in you!