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– Inside the Hotdog Factory
Rebuilding Christendom -- You're doing it wrong 25 Jul 2012 | 10:08 pm
I see the purpose of your "Rebuilding Christendom" conference is to "proclaim the politics of Jesus Christ". You're doing it wrong. Jesus Christ didn't have a political position. When asked about t...
When Dealing with the Police -- Canadian Edition 23 Jul 2012 | 10:49 pm
You have the Right . . . To laugh. Chances are, you’ll get a “Promise to Appear” citation. If you are arrested, even better. That means you’ll go before a Canadian judge. Canadian judges love rag...
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Late-night and Bill Maher jokes recap 4/26/13 26 Apr 2013 | 02:24 pm
"Down in Texas Thursday is the opening of the George Bush Presidential Library and Think Tank. I think he's in the shallow end." –Jay Leno "Former Congressman Anthony Weiner is back on Twitter. It's l...