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Ken Burns: A História do Jazz - EP: 02 "Dádiva" 9 Jul 2013 | 08:21 pm
Por Daniel Faria Bom depois de um tempo sem conseguir atualizar o blog, volto dando continuidade a série do Ken Burns sobre a história do jazz. 2º Episódio: Dádiva. Bares clandestinos, clubes de p....
"End of the Beginning", novo clipe do Black Sabbath. 12 Jun 2013 | 10:52 pm
Por Daniel Faria E o Black Sabbath segue na divulgação do novo álbum "13" (2013). Depois de lançar o clipe do single "God is Dead?", a banda acaba de lançar mais um clipe da faixa que abre o álbum, "...
More billie holiday blogspot related news:
Billie Holiday forever 27 May 2010 | 01:57 am
Billie Holiday Existiram – e ainda existem – grandes divas do Jazz. Mas para mim a maior de todas foi e continua sendo a Billie Holiday. Simplesmente inesquecível! Billie Holliday foi a melhor canto...
Billie Holiday - Songs For Distinguished Lovers (1957) 23 Jun 2011 | 06:36 am
O Álbum original continha apenas 6 músicas, todas com mais de 4 minutos. Graças à campanha da VERVE RECORDS para promover uma "edição extensiva", o disco passou a ter mais 6 canções. Todas escolhidas ...
Katharine McPhee sexy in lingerie fashion 4 Jan 2011 | 09:03 pm
McPhee was persuaded by Nick Cokas and her parents to try out for American Idol. She auditioned in San Francisco, and sang "God Bless the Child", originally performed by Billie Holiday. Paula Abdul sa...
Katharine McPhee sexy in lingerie fashion 4 Jan 2011 | 09:03 pm
McPhee was persuaded by Nick Cokas and her parents to try out for American Idol. She auditioned in San Francisco, and sang "God Bless the Child", originally performed by Billie Holiday. Paula Abdul sa...
Katharine McPhee sexy in lingerie fashion 4 Jan 2011 | 09:03 pm
McPhee was persuaded by Nick Cokas and her parents to try out for American Idol. She auditioned in San Francisco, and sang "God Bless the Child", originally performed by Billie Holiday. Paula Abdul sa...
Katharine McPhee sexy in lingerie fashion 4 Jan 2011 | 09:03 pm
McPhee was persuaded by Nick Cokas and her parents to try out for American Idol. She auditioned in San Francisco, and sang "God Bless the Child", originally performed by Billie Holiday. Paula Abdul sa...
Taking a Billie Holiday from Holiday Ham and Turkey Leftovers 7 Jan 2012 | 04:38 pm
Bee-eye-ell-ell-eye-ee-aitch-oh-ell-eye-dee-ay-why. Billie Holiday. Breakfast. So, what's this twisty post really about? I'm not sure... Stick around and maybe you'll figure it out before I do. To po...
Billie Holiday “Strange Fruit” London; 1959 I can never get... 12 Jun 2012 | 02:40 am
Billie Holiday “Strange Fruit” London; 1959 I can never get over how haunting this song is.
Da divaen druknede i messingsuppe 8 Aug 2012 | 04:40 pm
Den amerikanske sangerinde Dee Dee Bridgewater fik udsat sit glimrende og Grammy-vindende Billie Holiday-repertoire for et svensk big band. Foto: Uffe Weng
Die Mode der 30er: Ranke und schlanke Zeiten 12 Apr 2013 | 10:42 pm
Was für eine turbulente Zeit…. Während in den Clubs die Töne von Louis Amstrong und Billie Holiday zu „swingvollen“ Bewegungen animieren, zerbricht die Weltordnung und damit ein Großteil geltender Wer...