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More binary logistic regression related news:
NumericJS Logistic Regression Classifier 17 Nov 2012 | 11:02 pm
The other day I posted about numericjs and provided a simple PCA implementation using it. Today I rewrote my logistic regression classifer using numericjs. Below is the commented sourcecode and demo i...
What Are the Odds of That? A Primer on Understanding Logistic Regression 31 May 2013 | 09:13 pm
The purpose of this Methodological Brief is to present a brief primer on logistic regression, a commonly used technique when modeling dichotomous outcomes. Using data from the National Education Longi...
Chaos and Crocodiles Starberry Shortcake 9 Jun 2013 | 08:41 pm
Hello All, I've been missing for some time- I apologize school has overtaken my life- I had finals, then I started taking my last class for my masters- logistic regression (think high order statistic...
Chaos and Crocodiles Starberry Shortcake 9 Jun 2013 | 08:41 pm
Hello All, I've been missing for some time- I apologize school has overtaken my life- I had finals, then I started taking my last class for my masters- logistic regression (think high order statistic...
Hessian of logistic function 27 Aug 2013 | 07:07 am
I have difficulty to derive the Hessian of the objective function, $l(\theta)$, in logistic regression where $l(\theta)$ is: $$ l(\theta)=\sum_{i=1}^{m} \left[y_{i} \log(h_\theta(x_{i})) + (1- y_{i}) ...
Plupload 1.5.6 (bugfix release) 28 Feb 2013 | 09:38 pm
Version 1.5.6 (2013-02-28) Fix regression: getPos() wrong on ie6/7. HTML5: Send file as binary string if it was mangled, even if multipart is set to false. HTML5: Add workaround Android browsers, that...
Effectiveness of Combining Statistical Tests and Effect Sizes When Using Logistic Discriminant Function Regression to Detect Differential Item Functio... 27 Aug 2013 | 03:08 am
The objective of this article was to find an optimal decision rule for identifying polytomous items with large or moderate amounts of differential functioning. The effectiveness of combining statistic...